Car Insurance for First Time Drivers – 3 Tips to Follow
Insurance companies will assessed your car insurance quote by the type of car that you own. When you own expensive car, most likely than not, you are also have to pay for a much higher premium. For example, when you own a sports car, the insurance provider will realize that you are also a fast driver.
When you are a fast driver, you are also considered a risky driver too thus you are in for a much higher monthly premium. SUV's are also known to do terrible rollovers and it will also attract high premium. If you are just a new driver, stay away from sports car and SUV's, get a car that has small engine and do not customize your car. Sure, your car might not be the coolest car in the road but you are safe and pay less insurance for it and that is what's important.
A car insurance usually goes up the moment insurance provider will realize that your car attracts theft. When we say this, it is because your car doesn't have anything that can make thieves stay away from your car. But when you put an effort of installing alarm and security systems, thieves will not dare to get near your car and they will not have an interest of stealing your car. Insurance company will also give you discounts for this because there is a low risk that they are going to replace your car in the event that
it will be stolen.
Once you have invest in a good insurance policy, avoid making any claims if you can help it because the moment you will renew your insurance, the insurer can give you high discounts. You can do this by staying out of trouble such as following the traffic lights, never involve in any DUI (driving under the influence) cases and keep a good distance between you and other cars. When some minor accidents happen, try to pay the damages in your own pocket. This will surely make you pay much lesser premium on your next insurance renewal.