2 Quick and Easy Ways to Get 200% MORE For Every Website You Sell (Fast, Fun and Almost Free!)
If you are buying, building and selling websites for a living you already know it's probably the BEST underground method for making real money online.
It's FAR superior to selling affiliate products.
It's MUCH easier than creating eBooks, digital downloads and building a huge list as well.
As a matter of fact, in 2012 and beyond, I truly believe it's the best opportunity for online entrepreneurs who want to diversify - either through significantly supplementing their existing income, or replacing it altogether with a superior strategy from scratch.
But there IS a pretty common problem that many newbies encounter I want to cover a bit below.
"With so many people vying for the same sales, how do you step up and stand out in the sea of similarity where everybody swims?" In other words...
what can you bring to a site that's UNIQUE and makes your asset more appealing than something someone else is selling? Let's look at 2 very simple ways to make YOUR sites (and services) more powerfully persuasive than the offers your competition is making instead and quite literally DOUBLE the amount you get for every site you sell as well.
1 - Built in Newsletter Subscription This is amazingly easy to do..
and only requires that you code an opt in form into the site template, using either the sidebar or a hook above the fold.
Some premium themes now have built in functionality for this out of the box...
and adding a turn key Aweber, Mailchimp or alternative auto responder sign up form is VERY appealing to a prospective client.
BIG Tip! You can literally double the amount of money you get from the sale using this approach without even needing to charge more! (even though you should) How? Simply make your customer or client sign up for the newsletter service using your affiliate ID, or...
build in a certain amount of email marketing back end services to the sale price, giving you the opportunity to add a new continuity client for every site you sell.
2 - The Social Strategy Turning a plain Jane "vanilla" website into a fully functioning social media marketing masterpiece is SUPER simple to do, and believe it or not, if you are running WordPress, can be done for free.
Buddy-press, for example..
is a great way to add all sorts of advanced interactive social features to a normal blog with the push of a button and to your clients..
it LOOKS like you've got ninja programming skills.
(even if you barely know how to build a blog!) It's NO secret that social sites are the hottest online assets in the universe, and that's a trend that's only going to get larger as visitors begin to EXPECT Facebook like features on every blog, website and business site they visit.
Giving YOUR clients this power and potential when you sell a site is SUPER simple to do, and can turn a typical $500 site sale into a 4 figure social "empire" in under an hour.
Are there more ideas that have the same effect? Absolutely! There are literally 21 unique ways to turn an average online asset into a highly desirable commodity that CAN trigger a buyers bidding war, and if you try the 2 above, you'll get a taste for how powerful they are! (no gimmicks, and NO gurus required)
It's FAR superior to selling affiliate products.
It's MUCH easier than creating eBooks, digital downloads and building a huge list as well.
As a matter of fact, in 2012 and beyond, I truly believe it's the best opportunity for online entrepreneurs who want to diversify - either through significantly supplementing their existing income, or replacing it altogether with a superior strategy from scratch.
But there IS a pretty common problem that many newbies encounter I want to cover a bit below.
"With so many people vying for the same sales, how do you step up and stand out in the sea of similarity where everybody swims?" In other words...
what can you bring to a site that's UNIQUE and makes your asset more appealing than something someone else is selling? Let's look at 2 very simple ways to make YOUR sites (and services) more powerfully persuasive than the offers your competition is making instead and quite literally DOUBLE the amount you get for every site you sell as well.
1 - Built in Newsletter Subscription This is amazingly easy to do..
and only requires that you code an opt in form into the site template, using either the sidebar or a hook above the fold.
Some premium themes now have built in functionality for this out of the box...
and adding a turn key Aweber, Mailchimp or alternative auto responder sign up form is VERY appealing to a prospective client.
BIG Tip! You can literally double the amount of money you get from the sale using this approach without even needing to charge more! (even though you should) How? Simply make your customer or client sign up for the newsletter service using your affiliate ID, or...
build in a certain amount of email marketing back end services to the sale price, giving you the opportunity to add a new continuity client for every site you sell.
2 - The Social Strategy Turning a plain Jane "vanilla" website into a fully functioning social media marketing masterpiece is SUPER simple to do, and believe it or not, if you are running WordPress, can be done for free.
Buddy-press, for example..
is a great way to add all sorts of advanced interactive social features to a normal blog with the push of a button and to your clients..
it LOOKS like you've got ninja programming skills.
(even if you barely know how to build a blog!) It's NO secret that social sites are the hottest online assets in the universe, and that's a trend that's only going to get larger as visitors begin to EXPECT Facebook like features on every blog, website and business site they visit.
Giving YOUR clients this power and potential when you sell a site is SUPER simple to do, and can turn a typical $500 site sale into a 4 figure social "empire" in under an hour.
Are there more ideas that have the same effect? Absolutely! There are literally 21 unique ways to turn an average online asset into a highly desirable commodity that CAN trigger a buyers bidding war, and if you try the 2 above, you'll get a taste for how powerful they are! (no gimmicks, and NO gurus required)