Fun Birthday Greetings
- If your birthday girl is stuck at work all day, make her afternoon a little brighter by dropping off homemade cupcakes for her. Arrange the cupcakes in a large, rectangular box. Then, use colored frosting to pipe one letter per cupcake to spell out a phrase. Use anything from "Happy Birthday" to "For Your Day." Keep the phrase short because the more words you use, the more cupcakes you will need.
- We all have heard the "Happy Birthday" song on our birthday. This year, change the delivery. Hire a quartet to surprise the birthday boy at work or out running errands. Ask the singing quartet to dress in plain clothes and then lead them to the birthday boy while his attention is diverted. When he is least expecting it, have the group burst into song. You might need the assistance of his wife or friends to figure out his schedule.
- Collect pictures and video clips of the birthday girl from various birthdays over the years from childhood to adulthood. Put them together in a video montage set to music. Include other milestone moments in her life, such as her kindergarten graduation or when she won a sports tournament. Be sure to have this on a DVD or CD that she can take with her at the end of the party.
Cupcake Message
Sing It
Birthday Memories