Video: Exercises for Golf Elbow
Video Transcript
"Ah, you like that!" My name is Casey Wire, PGA Professional. I'm going to give you some tips on the golfer's elbow. The first thing you're going to need is to wear a band around, around your arms. So, there's a couple of things you can do to, one prevent this and to help with the pain. So, first to prevent it; hitting off a mats is never a, a good thing unless that's kind of a fluffy mats. Usually, the driving ranges, the mats start to get really hard overtime and they don't replace them. So, if you, if you're hitting off those mats all the time rather than grass, that's a number one cause. That's, that's what I see most golfers that will result from. Let's say you do get golfer's elbow though, how can you stop it? Well, first, you want to rest it. Anytime those get stretched out, those ligaments, you need to rest it in order for them to tighten back up and get back into place. Also, when you golf, once you do kind of recoup from that is to wear a band around, around your arm right below the elbow in order to pinch those ligaments; so that, as you swing, they don't stretch out and you won't feel that pain. So, I've definitely have that before, the same thing hitting off the mats too much and that band really did help. So, I would suggest that.