How to Update All Bookmarking Sites at Once
- 1). Visit the official OnlyWire website.
- 2). Click on the "Sign Up" link.
- 3). Click on the "Get a Free Account" link.
- 4). Enter your details, including the main website URL that you want to promote. Click the "Start OnlyWire" button after you've entered all your details.
- 5). Click the "Download the Submitter" link to download the submission tool. Save it to your desktop.
- 6). Install the submission tool using the default installation settings.
- 7). Click on the "Set Up Your Services" link on the OnlyWire website and enter your usernames and passwords for the bookmarking sites you want to post to. If you do not currently have an account on a particular bookmarking site, sign up with that site and then enter your login details into your OnlyWire account.
- 8). Add a link to the OnlyWire website on your website, which is required if you want to use the free version of the OnlyWire service.
- 9). Click on the "Start" menu, then "All Programs" and launch the OnlyWire submission software.
- 10
Click on the "Post" link and enter the URL and related information that you want to bookmark. OnlyWire will then work in the background and submit your URL to each bookmarking site.