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The film is extremely visually stylized and also plays with a lot of humor; saying that, most viewers will immediately compare the two films for better or worse. I do think there were a lot of chances, especially the ending, for De Palma to take advantage of the ‘Psycho' theme, but reverse the shower scene, empowering Allen's character, instead of annoying us with a nightmare – ‘Carrie' re-hash.
The film, depending on your opinion, does sexualize women, especially Angie Dickenson's scenes in a needless way. The gratuity seems placed in there simply for the sake of it. It does come into storyline later in the movie though and is necessary. I personally didn't find it sexist, there are far worse films out there. I also didn't find it insulting to transgender; as the theme is used simply as a plot device which is necessary for the entire film. It would be like calling ‘Silence of the Lambs' or ‘Psycho' anti transgender.
This film is a classic, and a must see for anyone interested in major films of American cinema history. Nancy Allen and Keith Gordon (who also starred in Stephen King's ‘Christine' if you're trying to place his face) are a pleasure to watch, and this is a must see for many reasons.
Occasionally cute but consistently dim-witted, the romantic comedy 27 Dresses suffers the same number of generic clichés as it glides down the aisles toward a resolution that's as predictable as a wedding band's set list. Celebrate good times? Don't bet on it.
Watch Movie Online Free: Dressed Movie Online Free 2011
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The film, depending on your opinion, does sexualize women, especially Angie Dickenson's scenes in a needless way. The gratuity seems placed in there simply for the sake of it. It does come into storyline later in the movie though and is necessary. I personally didn't find it sexist, there are far worse films out there. I also didn't find it insulting to transgender; as the theme is used simply as a plot device which is necessary for the entire film. It would be like calling ‘Silence of the Lambs' or ‘Psycho' anti transgender.
This film is a classic, and a must see for anyone interested in major films of American cinema history. Nancy Allen and Keith Gordon (who also starred in Stephen King's ‘Christine' if you're trying to place his face) are a pleasure to watch, and this is a must see for many reasons.
Occasionally cute but consistently dim-witted, the romantic comedy 27 Dresses suffers the same number of generic clichés as it glides down the aisles toward a resolution that's as predictable as a wedding band's set list. Celebrate good times? Don't bet on it.
Watch Movie Online Free: Dressed Movie Online Free 2011
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