Be Green - California Outlaws Plastic Grocery Bags - Hey, We Could Have Made Bridges Out of Those!
Okay so, the Great State of California, yes, a debt ridden debacle has done something that might very well please 50% of their population.
They have just passed a law to outlaw plastic grocery bags, and the politicians of this bill are completely besides themselves, celebrating in abundance their hard work which they say has paid off for our environment.
Yes, in many regards they should be congratulated you say, right? Well, not so fast.
There was a very interesting article in Plastics Today recently titled; Tanks, Trains No Problem for Recycled Bridges," by the PlasticsToday editorial staff, written on May 28, 2010.
In the article it noted how recycled every day consumer plastics can be made into bridges and trusses, so strong in fact, that they could support the weight of an army tank, or even a train.
Best of all the article points out that they would never rust, or corrode and thus, their useful life - yes, with protective UV coatings and temperature protection could be much longer than steel.
So, what on Earth (yes, Earth for all you greenies out there) are we waiting for.
You see on one hand we have the State of California banning plastic bags at grocery stores, and on the other hand we have massive R and D pouring into green technologies and environmental research.
Why is it that one hand is not realizing that the problem has indeed already been solved? The answer is somewhat simple really, it's all about politics, vote getting, and the environmental trend of mass media hysteria, everyone wants to save the Earth, and prevent us from over-heating (Global Warming theory).
Not long ago, I was having this conversation with a gentleman in the logistical shipping business who had access to incredible amounts of shipping material plastic waste and he needed to find markets to sell it too.
Citizens already are putting their plastic bags into the recycling bins in California, so why outlaw them now? What we have here is a giant failure to communicate and that seems to be the real problem.
If we as US Citizens really want to save the planet, maybe we need to find a way to kill two birds with one stone and whereas that might sound like a complete irony, I'd like you to take the time right now to consider just that.
They have just passed a law to outlaw plastic grocery bags, and the politicians of this bill are completely besides themselves, celebrating in abundance their hard work which they say has paid off for our environment.
Yes, in many regards they should be congratulated you say, right? Well, not so fast.
There was a very interesting article in Plastics Today recently titled; Tanks, Trains No Problem for Recycled Bridges," by the PlasticsToday editorial staff, written on May 28, 2010.
In the article it noted how recycled every day consumer plastics can be made into bridges and trusses, so strong in fact, that they could support the weight of an army tank, or even a train.
Best of all the article points out that they would never rust, or corrode and thus, their useful life - yes, with protective UV coatings and temperature protection could be much longer than steel.
So, what on Earth (yes, Earth for all you greenies out there) are we waiting for.
You see on one hand we have the State of California banning plastic bags at grocery stores, and on the other hand we have massive R and D pouring into green technologies and environmental research.
Why is it that one hand is not realizing that the problem has indeed already been solved? The answer is somewhat simple really, it's all about politics, vote getting, and the environmental trend of mass media hysteria, everyone wants to save the Earth, and prevent us from over-heating (Global Warming theory).
Not long ago, I was having this conversation with a gentleman in the logistical shipping business who had access to incredible amounts of shipping material plastic waste and he needed to find markets to sell it too.
Citizens already are putting their plastic bags into the recycling bins in California, so why outlaw them now? What we have here is a giant failure to communicate and that seems to be the real problem.
If we as US Citizens really want to save the planet, maybe we need to find a way to kill two birds with one stone and whereas that might sound like a complete irony, I'd like you to take the time right now to consider just that.