A Reading Quiz on Toni Morrison"s "Sula
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Answers to the Reading Quiz on Sula by Toni Morrison
Evaluating Your Score on the Quiz
10 or 11 correct answers: A
9 correct answers: B
8 correct answers: C
7 correct answers: D
6 or fewer correct answers: F
Answers to the Reading Quiz on Sula by Toni Morrison
- National Suicide Day
- The purpose of the trip is to attend the funeral of Cecile Sabat (Helene's grandmother)
- (d) The Deweys
- (d) (Plum is, in fact, killed by Eva.)
- (b) Sula swings Chicken Little around and around, he slips from her hands, and he sails into the river, where he drowns.
- (a) Eva
- (d) not getting hired to work on the New River Road
- (d) (According to the townspeople, this observation applies to Sula, not Nel.)
- Albert Jacks (also known as A. Jacks or Ajax)
- (e) "Well, I'll be damned . . . it didn't even hurt. Wait'll I tell Nell."
- (d) "We was girls together. O Lord, Sula, girl, girl, girlgirlgirl."
Evaluating Your Score on the Quiz
10 or 11 correct answers: A
9 correct answers: B
8 correct answers: C
7 correct answers: D
6 or fewer correct answers: F