Health Insurance - Women Pay Higher Rates
But in health insurance, it is otherwise.
Why Women get higher rates than Men when it comes to health insurance is exactly what I would Examine here.
Consider the following.
There is a general consensus that Women tend to require more health attention and also affordable health insurance coverage than men.
Why? Lets try to find out.
Every normal female experiences menstrual cycle.
This of course involves blood flow and some psychological effects.
From a particular age to menopause, this cycle continues apart from during pregnancy.
So how many years of blood flow are we talking about? Does this have any implication on the health needs of women generally? This is one issue.
As if this is not enough, women also give birth to children.
The period of gestation has its health needs but more than this, the after effect of the different pregnancies must have some kind of effect on their bodies resulting in a higher need for health care and therefore affordable health insurance coverage.
If we keep constantly in mind the fact that Insurance companies are not charitable organizations but businesses out to make profit, we would see why they need to take a lot of factors into consideration.
The major factor they take into consideration is what percentage of any group of insureds would likely make claims, the amount claimed and the consequences to their business.
Look at it this way.
If a certain percentage of a group of insureds make a claim, their overall rate must be such that the insurance company would still make profit.
For example, 1 out of 100 insureds make a claim of $1000 and the the insureds pay a rate of $100, the company would still make profit and can even afford to lower the rates.
Following the above, we would see that since women are known to generally claim on their health insurance more than men, they would necessarily be required to pay higher rates than men.
Am I saying women can't get affordable health insurance coverage? No! Just follow the the tips listed below and you would be sure to get a lower rate.
Give up tobacco and smoking.
Dangerous games and sports should be avoided.
Any jobs that are hazardous should be avoided.
Lower your rates and increase your attraction by staying in shape.
A regular exercise routine is also necessary.
Engage in things that make you happy as happy people are less likely to fall ill.
Very importantly, get and compare quotes extensively before taking up a policy.
you wuld be able to determine which is best for your situation.
With over 2,000 companies providing health insurance, you would surely have varying rates.
So take your time and get the best.
Whether you pay more or less would be determined by the number of quotes you get.
The more quotes you get, the more options you have.