Cheating on a Candida Diet
This article will discuss another topic abut cheating on your candida diet.
This is based on a question from a close friend of mine.
She was curious if everyone has the same symptoms as her son did when he fell off of his diet.
He had a small amount of bacon and some wheat bread one day.
About three days later he developed some nasty sores in his mouth, brain fog, fatigue.
This same thing happened a while back when he ate too much breaded foods.
It took about seven to eleven days for her to get him back to being healthy again.
From then on, she took extra precautions with his diet.
She had heard that when you cheat on the diet, your system has a harder time fighting off the attack and you need stronger anti-fungals to fight it off.
She wondered if this is true.
After reading the situation above, in my opinion, the brain fog sounds familiar, although most people's brain fog tends to kick in almost immediately, and the mouth ulcers is a classic symptom of wheat allergy.
There's bound to be a difference between direct allergic reactions or sensitivities and eating something which feeds the candida.
An allergic reaction would probably have quite specific symptoms, but something which just fed the candida would lead to a more insidious worsening all over.
Having said that, when candida was in full force, pre-diagnosis, you'd literally get drunk on an apple or a bar of chocolate within ten or fifteen minutes.
This is based on a question from a close friend of mine.
She was curious if everyone has the same symptoms as her son did when he fell off of his diet.
He had a small amount of bacon and some wheat bread one day.
About three days later he developed some nasty sores in his mouth, brain fog, fatigue.
This same thing happened a while back when he ate too much breaded foods.
It took about seven to eleven days for her to get him back to being healthy again.
From then on, she took extra precautions with his diet.
She had heard that when you cheat on the diet, your system has a harder time fighting off the attack and you need stronger anti-fungals to fight it off.
She wondered if this is true.
After reading the situation above, in my opinion, the brain fog sounds familiar, although most people's brain fog tends to kick in almost immediately, and the mouth ulcers is a classic symptom of wheat allergy.
There's bound to be a difference between direct allergic reactions or sensitivities and eating something which feeds the candida.
An allergic reaction would probably have quite specific symptoms, but something which just fed the candida would lead to a more insidious worsening all over.
Having said that, when candida was in full force, pre-diagnosis, you'd literally get drunk on an apple or a bar of chocolate within ten or fifteen minutes.