How to Refinish an Acrylic Tub
- 1). Remove all of the old caulking with a screwdriver and wipe the area with isopropyl alcohol. Remove any remnants with the caulking knife. The surface needs to be free of all silicone caulk.
- 2). Clean the tub with a mixture of one part washing soda and four parts warm water. Rinse well and dry. This will remove all traces of cleaning products and bath soap.
- 3). Remove rust stains by lightly sanding the surface of the tub with a hand sander, and apply a rust neutralizer. This is available at home improvement stores.
- 4). Fill areas that are chipped or deeply scratched with an epoxy filling compound. Follow label directions for drying time. Lightly sand with the hand sander once the filling compound has completely dried. Rinse the surface and dry with a towel.
- 1). Tape the walls and plumbing hardware so you don't accidentally spray them. A wide roll of masking tape works well.
- 2). Apply one coat of primer on the tub surface with a paintbrush. Allow it to dry and add a second layer.
- 3). Apply three thin layers of Ep-Acrylic paint using the high volume/low pressure paint sprayer. Sanding between each layer of paint provides a glossy finish. Allow 48 hours to dry. Apply silicone caulk to seal the tub edges.
Repairing the Acrylic Tub
Painting the Acrylic Tub