How to Make a Contact Form in FBML
- 1). Open your Internet browser and go to your Facebook page. Use the Facebook search box in the navigation bar at the top of the page to search for "Static FBML." In the search results, click on the "Static FBML" application. Wait for the application page to load.
- 2). Click the "Add to My Page" link directly beneath the application's avatar. In the pop-up window that appears, click "Add to My Page" next to the page you want to add it to.
- 3). Go to your Facebook page. Click the "Edit Page" link under your page's avatar. In the "Applications" section, click the "Application Settings" link under the FBML app. In the pop-up window, click "Add" next to the "Tab" option. Close the pop-up window.
- 4). Click the "Edit" link under the FBML app. Enter a name, such as "Contact Us," for your tab in the "Box Title" text space.
- 5). Open a new tab or window in your Internet browser, and go to a free HTML contact form generator website such as EmailMeForm, Freedback, or 123 Contact Form. Sign up to use a site's free generator. Use the user-friendly generator tools to add a text field for visitors to enter their name into, a text field to enter their email address into and a larger text field to enter their message into. Add a "Submit" button to the bottom and specify your email address for visitor's messages to be sent to. Save the form.
- 6). Select the HTML code the contact form generator creates and copy it. Go back to the window or tab in your browser that contains the FBML editor. Paste the code into the "FBML" text field. Click "Save Changes" to publish your contact form to your Facebook page.