Boost Your Energy With These 4 Yoga Moves
If you know about Yoga then you will know that Yoga moves will help you boost your energy.
Yoga has a so many positive benefits that are constantly coming to light after studies have been carried out.
In this article we will be giving you four Yoga positions that you can try at home that will help boost your energy.
If you're a beginner in Yoga then it is best advised to find a home course DVD that will help you understand the basic principles of these moves.
If you have been working on Yoga and want specific moves to boost your energy, then just incorporate these moves into your Yoga workouts.
1) The Mountain Pose Start the move by standing still with your arms by your side and your feet hip wide apart.
The toes should face forward and both feet should be parallel.
Make sure that your weight is evenly distributed through both of your feet.
Do not lean backwards or forwards.
Once you feel comfortable that you are aligned properly, roll both of your shoulders back and down towards your chest.
Move your chin slightly forward so that your ears are aligned with your shoulders.
Take a deep breathe through your nose.
Hold this position for one breath and then move on.
2) Extended Mountain Continue to stand in the mountain pose and take a deep breath inwards.
Raise your arms outwards from your sides and put it above your head.
Make sure that your palms are facing each other and that they are at least a shoulder width apart.
Extend your spine until your entire back is curved inwards.
Hold this position for one breath.
3) Standing Forward Bend Start from the previous position and exhale while bending forward from the waist.
You must keep your spinal column as long as possible.
Your arms need to reach straight down towards the floor.
Once your hands reach the floor, place them on the ground or on your thighs (depending how far you can reach and what is most comfortable).
Look at the front of your legs while you hold this position for one breath.
Keep your head and neck relaxed as this position is easier the more relaxed you are.
4) The Modified Long Staff Once you are comfortably in the previous position, move your feet backwards so that your body is almost completely on the ground.
You should take a deep breath out when you move into this position.
Balance your hands and toes so that your body becomes parallel to the actual floor.
Bend your legs so that the shins, knees and top of the feet are directly on the floor.
Bend your arms and you will come into the correct position.
Hold this position for one breath.
These four Yoga moves will help you revitalize yourself (provide you with a huge boost of energy) and also help you revitalize your actual Yoga routine.
By just challenging yourself and constantly trying new Yoga moves you will be able to see a drastic improvement in your Yoga workouts.
Copyright (c) 2011 Andrew Holtom
Yoga has a so many positive benefits that are constantly coming to light after studies have been carried out.
In this article we will be giving you four Yoga positions that you can try at home that will help boost your energy.
If you're a beginner in Yoga then it is best advised to find a home course DVD that will help you understand the basic principles of these moves.
If you have been working on Yoga and want specific moves to boost your energy, then just incorporate these moves into your Yoga workouts.
1) The Mountain Pose Start the move by standing still with your arms by your side and your feet hip wide apart.
The toes should face forward and both feet should be parallel.
Make sure that your weight is evenly distributed through both of your feet.
Do not lean backwards or forwards.
Once you feel comfortable that you are aligned properly, roll both of your shoulders back and down towards your chest.
Move your chin slightly forward so that your ears are aligned with your shoulders.
Take a deep breathe through your nose.
Hold this position for one breath and then move on.
2) Extended Mountain Continue to stand in the mountain pose and take a deep breath inwards.
Raise your arms outwards from your sides and put it above your head.
Make sure that your palms are facing each other and that they are at least a shoulder width apart.
Extend your spine until your entire back is curved inwards.
Hold this position for one breath.
3) Standing Forward Bend Start from the previous position and exhale while bending forward from the waist.
You must keep your spinal column as long as possible.
Your arms need to reach straight down towards the floor.
Once your hands reach the floor, place them on the ground or on your thighs (depending how far you can reach and what is most comfortable).
Look at the front of your legs while you hold this position for one breath.
Keep your head and neck relaxed as this position is easier the more relaxed you are.
4) The Modified Long Staff Once you are comfortably in the previous position, move your feet backwards so that your body is almost completely on the ground.
You should take a deep breath out when you move into this position.
Balance your hands and toes so that your body becomes parallel to the actual floor.
Bend your legs so that the shins, knees and top of the feet are directly on the floor.
Bend your arms and you will come into the correct position.
Hold this position for one breath.
These four Yoga moves will help you revitalize yourself (provide you with a huge boost of energy) and also help you revitalize your actual Yoga routine.
By just challenging yourself and constantly trying new Yoga moves you will be able to see a drastic improvement in your Yoga workouts.
Copyright (c) 2011 Andrew Holtom