How to Make an Inexpensive Fence
- 1). Measure the area where the fence will go. Determine how many fence posts the fence will need if using a post every 3 feet.
- 2). Gather your materials in the woods or another area that is abundant in trees and sticks. You will need to find sticks for posts. The posts need to be 4 feet long and 2 inches in diameter. Cut the number of posts needed using pruning tools. Cut some flexible branches at least 4 feet long. The diameter of these branches does not matter as long as they are flexible.
- 3). Clean up the materials gathered. Trim off any twigs and leaves that could get in the way of building.
- 4). Start at the front right corner of the fence line and install the first post. Place a piece of rebar in the ground at the location. Put a piece of scrap lumber over the rebar and hammer it farther into the ground. Remove the rebar from the ground.
- 5). Repeat Step 4 to create a hole every 3 feet. These are the locations for the fence posts.
- 6). Use a pair of pruning shears to make a point at the end of each fence post. The point will make it easier to drive the posts into the ground.
- 7). Place a post in a hole created by the rebar. Use the hammer to pound the post into the ground. The post needs to be at least 1 foot into the ground.
- 8). Repeat Step 7 to install the remaining fence posts. The fence posts may be wobbly at this point.
- 9). Place a flexible branch horizontally between the first two fence posts. One end of the branch should be on the front of the first post, the other end should be on the back of the second post. Tie the ends of the branch to the posts using jute or string. Repeat with more branches, alternating the positions of the branch ends. Continue until the fence section is as tall as you want it.
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Repeat Step 9 with every pair of fence posts. Alternate what sides the posts the ends of the branches are touching, to ensure a tight hold. - 11
Branch size is a matter of personal preference.Hemera Technologies/ Images
Cut off any extra ends of the branches. Trim the tops of the fence posts to make them even with each other.