How to Remove Bird Nests Without Getting Mites
- 1). Wait until the baby birds have hatched and flown, or else remove the nest before the eggs are even laid. The United States Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 protects the nests of all migratory birds, and many other species are protected by state and local statutes. Even if not prohibited by law in your area, removing any bird's nest with the eggs still inside is a bad idea, and decidedly inhumane.
- 2). Put on a long-sleeved shirt, pants and vinyl gloves. Secure any loose hair and cover it with a hat or bandanna. Carefully remove the nest and put it in a sealed plastic garbage bag. Dispose of the bag and gloves, and wash all clothing immediately.
- 3). Spray the nest area with a miticide of some sort. Commercial products are available, but plain old soap and water will do the trick just as well, as will borax. You can use a pyrethrum aerosol, instead, on areas where water staining might be an issue.