5 Information Gathering Tidbits For Writers
The following items certainly won't give you the full picture, but you may find them useful as starters for ideas you may want to research further on your own.
In sharing a tiny portion of my treasure trove for ideas, you'll find that these items are available in just about any public place you go, for example; banks, libraries, hospitals, and my favorite place, the Chamber of Commerce.
Just Five Information Gathering Tidbits for Writers 1.
Brochures: descriptive promotional information sheets advertising a product or service 2.
Pamphlets: small unbound and cover-less informational paper leaflets 3.
Reports: detailed periodic account of business activities and financial standing 4.
Booklets: small books with covers and a few informational pages on a particular subject 5.
Newsletters: printed letter containing news of interest related to a specified organization Surely the list can be endless and these are very easy to obtain.
However, remember that when you're collecting information for writing ideas, it's in your best interest to be wise and organize them in a manner which will give you easy access when you're ready to use them.
Preferably in a labeled file box according to subject/topic.
Are you ready for the best benefit of all? Well, here it is: If you come upon a writing project where your instructor or client wants you to create a pamphlet, report, newsletter, etc.
, you then have several samples and formats to choose from as sample guides.