Psychological Selling: Why Ford Motor Company Should Target Their Texting Software
Few times does a person buy something they need.
When you are sick and the doctor prescribes medicine, this is one of the few times that something is bought because it is needed.
Most other times people buy things because they want them.
The psychological component of sales is critical for a sales person to understand if they are to be successful.
To sell successfully a brand must be trusted and it must develop a personal relationship with the buyer.
In our social media era, there is a term that sales people should become comfortable with.
That term is "friend".
In a social media context, we "friend" each other.
We develop relationships with each other and we recommend products.
People don't trust brands any longer-they trust their friends.
There is a natural wall between seller and buyer.
To sell, this wall must be torn down, and a relationship developed.
Ford is attempting to do this with its in car software.
The InSync software allows texting to be done inside the car.
No longer do young people have to take their hands off the wheel to text.
They can do it safely, now, with both hands on the whee.
From a psychological standpoint, this is a critical factor in how fathers decide to buy cars for their kids.
A rite of passage is for a father to buy a car for his daughter when she turns 16.
He has to know that this daughter will text.
Telling her not to will not do any good.
To be safe, a car has to have software that allows her to text while she drives.
Ford has done this with InSync.
No longer is Ford a car; it is now the means by which young girls are kept alive while they drive and text.
InSync breaks down walls between buyer and seller.
Ford is no longer a car brand-Ford is now a friend that is watching over a father's daughter as she and her friends drive, text, and have fun.
Ford, through their product and software development has broken down walls between themselves and their customers.
Ford's texting software makes Ford the car that fathers want to buy for their daughters.
Ford, in their advertising and marketing, should target their texting software.
This would break down the walls between customer and make Ford an attractive car for fathers to buy for their daughters.
I have no professional relationship with Ford Motor Company.
Dean Hambleton dnhambleton@gmail.