RNC Chairman Michael Steele, I Salute You!
Old habits die hard, so they say.
But if I WERE a Republican, you'd get my vote, sir.
For finally offering the other side of the conservative coin a reasonable and resonant voice.
Welcome back from Cairo, and good luck with that! I for one, welcome a new form of dialogue with you 'Reddies'.
So far, I have done everything in my Democratic power to ruffle your feathers and have heard nary a peep! Maybe now, if you could stop stoning Michael long enough, you can take the time to post some intelligent responses and we can take the gloves off AND GET DOWN TO BUSINESS.
As with everything else, I'm a big advocate of taking POLITICS out of the closet.
Shine some light of day on it, and if it can't stand the scrutiny and turns to dust, maybe you can start a new Twilight series! Again, stating the obvious, it's 2010 peeps! When are we going to learn that bad parties like bad politics eventually die a horrible death? So to all you loyal 'elephants' out there: Stop beating that dead horse before it rises up one last time and kicks you in the teeth!