Axiatonial lines,; e.g., meridians in every living system controls the living function of the body as well as the evolutionary upsurge of energy via the galactic core somvarta and its transmission via the earth's antakarrana. These lines form the bases for Shiatsu, acupuncture, reflexology, etc. These axiatonial lines resonate from our DNA to our higher selves to extended star systems. Energy from the current somvarta is synthesizing with our light bodies all dimensional frequencies transduced through these axiatonial meridians.
As predicted by Edgar Cayce and Sri Aurobindo the supramental descent is emerging as a reality upon Gaia and the Indigo Children are its forerunners. My prediction for this year is only weeks away on June 6, 2010 when Jupiter and Uranus conjunct at zero degress of Aries. According to Sri Yukteswar this is the most powerful degree of the zodiac. In Western astrology Aries is the "searchlight of the logos" according to the master D.K. The regressive energies of the dying age trying to hold on to power will try to suppress the influx but will be unsuccessful. Pluto in Capricorn represents the entrenched forces of corporate greed that is forming a square to the Uranus and Jupiter conjunction in Aries.
Astrology also makes note of a Cardinal Cross from Saturn in Libra this summer that will complete the initiatory forces that will be unleashed. Uranus is the hierarchical ruler of Aries and the Cardinal Cross is the cross of spirit. Aries is the fire of Agni which will unleash the initiatory energy of the antakarana or the rainbow bridge to higher consciousness. The shift is taking place even as we speak and the coming science will be the science of this rainbow bridge. What do you think the Norway Spiral was as it flash forth upon humanity; we are witnessing the portal to the higher dimensions.
Collective humanity has to think globally and not for personal interest. The door where evil dwelt was sealed after WWII and humanity discovered unity through the U.N. and the League of Nations. The door to cosmic evil is trying to manifest once again through selfishness, greed, terrorism and lack of unity or Christ principle. Sai Baba has assured us that the Golden Age will come and will be as a result of Man. Men of Goodwill everywhere will bring about the new genesis of man.
The three embodied kundalini currents in the earth are Telluric, Doradic and Teuric currents. These currents are activated by DNA four and above which occurs during soul fusion. The antakarana is universal kundalini and operates in hyper dimensional space. This new hadronic science recognizes that DNA includes hypertemporality and multidimensional symmetries. Our exterior biology is a function of a construct of a 3 dimensional holographic shadow of a hyperdimensional dynamic genetic code. This super paradigm subsumes the need for pseudo toxic pharmacology as bases for healing.
This DNA modus operandi reveals the ultimate Anthos or Adam Kadmon (cosmic man) and that somatotypes or the templates of man are none other than these hyper-dimensional templates. Quanta (particles) are organized by fields and forms the bases for this hyper symmetry. The upcoming Shift is none other than human consciousness following these hyper symmetrical and hyper-dynamic energies via the antakarana or "Rainbow Bridge". The fact that DNA is a language of complex intricate grammar, reveals an intelligence that has a far more integrated hyper-semantics inculcated holographically than our present use of languages. In my previous Psychopomp article in DNA Monthly I mentioned that Gemini or the Twins was a function of language between the earthly twin and the heavenly one. The antakarana forms the bridge that DNA has between or earthly and our heavenly twin.
@Sai Grafio 2010
Axiatonial lines,; e.g., meridians in every living system controls the living function of the body as well as the evolutionary upsurge of energy via the galactic core somvarta and its transmission via the earth's antakarrana. These lines form the bases for Shiatsu, acupuncture, reflexology, etc. These axiatonial lines resonate from our DNA to our higher selves to extended star systems. Energy from the current somvarta is synthesizing with our light bodies all dimensional frequencies transduced through these axiatonial meridians.
As predicted by Edgar Cayce and Sri Aurobindo the supramental descent is emerging as a reality upon Gaia and the Indigo Children are its forerunners. My prediction for this year is only weeks away on June 6, 2010 when Jupiter and Uranus conjunct at zero degress of Aries. According to Sri Yukteswar this is the most powerful degree of the zodiac. In Western astrology Aries is the "searchlight of the logos" according to the master D.K. The regressive energies of the dying age trying to hold on to power will try to suppress the influx but will be unsuccessful. Pluto in Capricorn represents the entrenched forces of corporate greed that is forming a square to the Uranus and Jupiter conjunction in Aries.
Astrology also makes note of a Cardinal Cross from Saturn in Libra this summer that will complete the initiatory forces that will be unleashed. Uranus is the hierarchical ruler of Aries and the Cardinal Cross is the cross of spirit. Aries is the fire of Agni which will unleash the initiatory energy of the antakarana or the rainbow bridge to higher consciousness. The shift is taking place even as we speak and the coming science will be the science of this rainbow bridge. What do you think the Norway Spiral was as it flash forth upon humanity; we are witnessing the portal to the higher dimensions.
Collective humanity has to think globally and not for personal interest. The door where evil dwelt was sealed after WWII and humanity discovered unity through the U.N. and the League of Nations. The door to cosmic evil is trying to manifest once again through selfishness, greed, terrorism and lack of unity or Christ principle. Sai Baba has assured us that the Golden Age will come and will be as a result of Man. Men of Goodwill everywhere will bring about the new genesis of man.
The three embodied kundalini currents in the earth are Telluric, Doradic and Teuric currents. These currents are activated by DNA four and above which occurs during soul fusion. The antakarana is universal kundalini and operates in hyper dimensional space. This new hadronic science recognizes that DNA includes hypertemporality and multidimensional symmetries. Our exterior biology is a function of a construct of a 3 dimensional holographic shadow of a hyperdimensional dynamic genetic code. This super paradigm subsumes the need for pseudo toxic pharmacology as bases for healing.
This DNA modus operandi reveals the ultimate Anthos or Adam Kadmon (cosmic man) and that somatotypes or the templates of man are none other than these hyper-dimensional templates. Quanta (particles) are organized by fields and forms the bases for this hyper symmetry. The upcoming Shift is none other than human consciousness following these hyper symmetrical and hyper-dynamic energies via the antakarana or "Rainbow Bridge". The fact that DNA is a language of complex intricate grammar, reveals an intelligence that has a far more integrated hyper-semantics inculcated holographically than our present use of languages. In my previous Psychopomp article in DNA Monthly I mentioned that Gemini or the Twins was a function of language between the earthly twin and the heavenly one. The antakarana forms the bridge that DNA has between or earthly and our heavenly twin.
@Sai Grafio 2010