Beach Games for Kids - Playful Activities to Play With Children on the Beach
What are some good beach games for kids that you can incorporate into your next beach vacation? There are many you can adapt for your situation, but whichever ones you choose should get your kids moving, be fun to play, be adaptable to smaller kids, and open up a child's imagination.
Here are a few beach games for kids to whet your appetite.
show, you create a series of challenges for friends and family to try.
Some good ones are
Imagination and creativity go a long way.
Use these games as a starting point, and create your own for a memorable beach vacation.
Here are a few beach games for kids to whet your appetite.
- Beach Touch Football - use towels for goal markers.
Mark off a 30 yard field on the sand.
Divide family and friends into teams, and play ball! You can also do flag football.
Playing in the surf introduces the element of water for splashing fun and more exercise. - Volleyball - if you don't have a volley ball set, use coolers or beach chairs for the net.
Play guys against girls, or parents against kids.
Use a beach ball for the volley ball with little kids. - Disk Games - throw a Frisbee, or play Frisbee Golf by drawing a course on the sand.
Great exercise. - Scavenger Hunt - easy to play.
Pair younger kids off with older ones.
Create boundaries of the search area.
Players can stash their booty in a hole dug in the sand.
Give out a list of items to find, set a time limit, and go to it.
You could use teams, also. - Capture the Flag - a perennial favorite team-play game.
Have teams build a sand castle and place a flag (an empty water bottle is good) on top.
Teams try to steal their opponent's flag. - Piranhas - draw a big circle in the sand.
Choose one kid as the piranha.
The piranha chases everyone else.
When he tags another person, that person becomes a piranha, and joins in the chase.
Last one left is the winner. - Tug-o-war - divide into teams of equal strength.
You'll need a large-diameter nylon rope.
Scratch a line in the sand between the two teams.
Holler "Go!", and try to pull the opposing team across the line.
- Beach Tennis (use a "court" drawn on the sand)
- Kite Flying Challenge (be the first to get your kite up and down safely)
- Sand Castle Competition (who can build the best, or biggest, sand castle)
- Bury Dad in the Sand (small tykes love this one!)
- Hole Digging (what's more fun than digging a hole to China?)
- Beach MIni-Golf (create your course on the beach)
show, you create a series of challenges for friends and family to try.
Some good ones are
- Ball Push - push a tennis ball with your nose
- Foot Race (variation: run it in deep sand)
- Ball Distance Toss
- Frisbee Throw (for distance or accuracy)
- Hole Digging Race
- Shell Relay (place shell on forehead, walk a set distance, and transfer shell to partner's forehead - without using hands)
Imagination and creativity go a long way.
Use these games as a starting point, and create your own for a memorable beach vacation.