The Truth About Your Money
In the grand scheme of things, money is not that important, however it is significant because it allows you to enjoy what is important to you.
Not worrying about your finances is critical to having a life that excites you, nurtures those you love, and fulfils your highest aspirations.
It is said that if you want to manage something (Money, Relationships, etc), you must be able to understand them first.
In other words, if you cannot understand them properly, you really cannot manage it well.
Your personal finances & tax also falls within the above concept.
So how do you know whether you are doing well with your finances or not? To manage your wealth appropriately it is always a good idea to have some sort of financial strategy in mind.
Unfortunately, there are no off-the-shelf solutions; every single individual has their own personal monetary concerns, responsibilities and ambitions.
The economic solutions that work for one, simply would not work for another.
By defining your unique values, it will help you to create a plan that not only looks good on paper but one that will spur you to follow through.
Most of us have a financial future regardless of age and net worth and by following your plan it will help you to appreciate what is important to you.
By aligning your financial choices with the goals of life you are aiming to achieve you will become stimulated to do whatever it takes to accomplish that life.
Every great triumph has a sound approach behind it, and creating the economic future you desire is no different.
Impulsiveness definitely spices up your life, but having no goal plan is a recipe for weakness.
What would have happened if the American Olympian swimmer, Michael Phelps had winged it whilst training, or if Paula Radcliffe had given up after sustaining first a toe injury, and then a hip stress fracture in her training? Many people who will never make the headlines create the good life for themselves by defining their life goals, by means of a stratagem, which greatly eliminates their financial stress.
By creating a financial strategy how would your life be different? What is truly important to you? What would your life be like if your investments and insurances were working in harmony to achieve your goals? This would be a stark contrast to what most people have attained, which is a hotchpotch of financial products purchased one by one over the years from various salespeople, banks or based on tips from friends and information gleaned from the web, newspapers or magazines.
As much as approaching finances strategically sounds like common sense, most people wind up reacting to events rather than designing and implementing a financial plan.
They buy to meet needs that may be real or the product of media hype.
Taking care of your money is simple, time consuming, but simple.
For most people it is a hassle or a distraction from what's really important to them.
To implement a sound monetary plan start by making smart financial choices based on what is important to you.
Identify your values, set your goals, benchmark your current financial reality, create a financial road map and lastly, re-educate yourself on the rudiments of financial terminology or if you find all of this too much of a hassle speak to an independent financial planner who will guide you in creating and implementing a financial stratagem.
The Truth about Money is...
waking up to the fact that your life is not a rehearsal, and that precious time is slipping away.
It is, when you can stop doing what you no longer enjoy and start doing the things you really love, the things that give your life meaning.
It is what you want to do with what little time you have left on this planet.
It is what you need to do to ensure you never run out of money.
It is what you need to do to ensure your family are completely financially secure whatever happens.
A good financial planner will help you identify what is important to you, the things that you want to achieve in your lifetime.
They will carry out a financial planning analysis, not only are the details of your income, outgoings, assets and liabilities considered, but resources that may become available to you in your lifetime.
This gives an accurate measure of your net worth and current and future financial situation.
They will help you estimate the cost of the life you want to enjoy in years to come.