Christmas Ideas for My Boss
- Christmas gifts for bosses shouldn't be too expensive or too gift image by Elena kouptsova-vasic from
Finding the right Christmas present for a boss can be a tricky thing. You don't want to spend to much on your boss and look like you are kissing up, but you also don't want to spend too little and seem like you don't care. If there is something you know your boss would appreciate that is a little more pricey, consider going in with some of your co-workers for the gift so nothing is awkward. Otherwise, select something business-related. Avoid anything that is too silly or can be construed as vulgar. - Business-related titles are safe choices for bosses. Choose a title related to the industry sector you work in. Read the reviews for any books you are considering before committing to buying the title. Even better, check out the book from a library and read it yourself first. Some examples of titles to consider are: "The 80/20 Principle," by Richard Koch, which is about productivity; "Made to Stick," by Chip and Dan Heath, about communicating effectively; and "Total Leadership," by Stewart Friedman, about leadership.
- Buy your boss a gift card to a restaurant he or she frequents for lunch or dinner. Essentially, such a gift is treating your boss to a meal. Give an amount that will allow your boss to comfortably pay for lunch or dinner for two at that restaurant. This way, your boss can include a significant other without absorbing the cost.
- It's hard to offend anyone with a gift basket. The main things to keep in mind are preferences and allergies. If your boss has a cup of coffee always at the ready, a coffee-themed basket is a good idea. If your boss loves chocolate, a chocolate-themed basket is a great idea. On the other hand, if you know your boss is deathly allergic to citrus, avoid a basket full of oranges.