Is Your Bad Credit Keeping You From Getting a Job?

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It is difficult enough to find employment these days, and if you have a bad credit score, it may be even more difficult.

Six out of ten employers are conducting credit checks and background checks on job candidates these days. They may want to find out more about the person they are considering bringing into their fold. As long as you sign a release for them to conduct background checks and criminal checks, they cannot dig around. If you're applying for the job, it's very likely you will comply. It is important to make sure your credit report won't eliminate your prospective candidacy.

Obtaining a copy of your credit report is easy. The major institutions that publish credit reports are required to provide you one free copy of your report, every year. If you are on the job market, you may want to look into your credit report and make sure everything is looking ok. If you are a senior-level executive, who will have financial responsibilities within the company, they are more than likely going to require a credit check on you. They will want to know if you are trustworthy in handling your own finances.

If you do identify false records on your credit report you are entitled to file a credit dispute. The laws for credit disputes may vary from state to state, but there are a number of common laws in existence that allow for consumer protection.

If you submit a written credit dispute to the creditor they are legally obligated to investigate the matter within a 30-day window of receiving your official dispute. Credit report companies and the original credit organizations must comply with certain legal mandates if you dispute credit reports. The Credit report company must forward all information you provide to the original organization that filed the negative credit report. Then the original organization must investigate the matter. If they find there was error in the negative report, then they must file with the credit report company that the error is removed from your credit rating and report.

According to the law, if your credit report has been updated, or modified, because of the deleted negative report, then the credit report company must send you a written notification of the modification and removed items. You can then request the credit report company provide you with a new, revised credit report, and issue copies to any party that has requested a credit report on you in the last six months.

For larger matters, like bankruptcy, it is advisable to contact a bad credit lawyer. There are a number of different laws according the state in which the case is filed, and there are a variety of bad credit lawyers who can assist you in understanding the process, your rights, and what you should be prepared for if you need to file bankruptcy.

You can also find help during credit disputes with a credit repair company. These are also regulated under the Credit Repair Organization Act (CROA). This act declares it illegal if credit repair companies falsify or exaggerate what they can do to help you fix your credit problem. They cannot charge you fees before they have performed their services, either. The CROA also allows you to cancel the services within three days without incurring a charge. The credit repair company must tell you how long it will take to close the case, and what the total fees are going to be.

In the event of major bad credit cases, the consumer can ultimately appeal to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), who is the Federal regulating body around credit matters. This is an extreme situation, and most cases can be resolved long before it gets to that level.

It is possible to fix bad credit and resolve credit disputes. Many consumers have repaired their bad credit ratings by filing credit disputes. If your case is large enough to head into a possible bankruptcy, then consulting with a bad credit lawyer is advised; so that you will be empowered with information, and not paralyzed by anxiety.
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