Disharmonious Movement In Turkey - Migration
Allthough, B.
philosophia is invalid today, one of our life sources is "Earth" that mankind eats it's products everyday, is more important not only for World but also for Turkey today.
The new economic, geographical and social conditions change the distrubition of population over Turkey, hence a new problem becomes to surface which is called migration from villiage to urban areas can be traced to these three type of problems: Economical, Social and Local.
The first cause of migration can be explained under Economic problems title.
It is known that, a villiager can earn money by limited ways but generally by agriculture.
Villiager has many problems about agriculture today.
One of this problems is size of agriculture areas they have.
According to informations taken from Turkey Government Statistic Institute, nearly quarter of agriculture areas in Turkey is, smaller than 0.
1 hectar, 19% of areas measures between 0.
1 and 0.
2 hectar, 32% of areas measures 0.
2 and 0.
5 hectar and nearly quarter of this areas' size is between 0.
5 and 0.
9 hectar (Zaman , 2003).
Karaata says, "According to researches, a villiager family needs 10 hectars area in Turkey's economic conditions, so 85% of our agriculture areas is not enough to maintain a villiager family.
" (Zaman, 2003) Moreover, mechanication in agriculture is a basic problem for villiagers and an important reason for migration.
Technology and agriculture machines developed simultaneously, thus unemployement in villiages increased.
As a result, because of unbalanced industrilization, urban areas has become more attractive for villiagers.
This is enough to be a reason for migration to work as a worker at industrial zones.
Another cause of migration can be summarised by two words: Social Problems.
Generally, Turkish villiages have own traditions and most of this traditions isolate family, especially women from outside.
With TV channels, this isolations are broken.
Family members work until evening, after work come to house, while drinking a soup, open the TV.
Scenery is: A cocktail, men and women drinks wine, they talk about problemless life.
Women are more free than villiager women.
Erman says that, woman who works eighter at farm or at home and lives at her husband's home, controlled by her family wants to be more comfort in big cities.
She is eager to be a city resident and exhort his husband in this way("Köyden Kente Göç, Yoksulluk ve Kadın", 2001, para.
Moreover TV shows richer lives and villiager men realises that he can't be more rich than a farmer and big ideals make the city more attractive.
TV based attraction of city life result migration with powerful effect of rise of population simultaneously with unemployement.
The final event that causes to migration is about local problems which are not general for all migration happenings over Turkey.
Terrorism is most known example for this topic.
Terrorism is a problem not only for Eastern Turkey but also for all of Turkish people but, it is a disease for east villiages's residents.
Until Apo, who is the leader of factious terrorist organisation PKK has been caught by Turkish Officers, PKK was the most important problem for East and Southeast Anatolia.
It is stated that terror problem menaces people's life and their assets.
This menace force the villiagers to migrate (Görentaş, "Türkiye'de Köyden Kente Göçün Siyasal Yansımaları", n.
, para.
Another local problem is about government services in some areas.
A little majority of migrations are derived from fewness of health and education facilities.
As sum as, migration is the biggest problem of Turkey which is most important reason of unemployement, crime and decline of agriculture.
Unfortunately, Turkey is very late to change it's economic sources to heavy industry.
Most known profit sources of our country are tourism and agriculture.
So, migration problem has to be investigated and solved.
During investigation, it is wrong to follow a complete way with over-emphasing these three way.