Best Upholstery Cleaner

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To keep your expen­sive couch or sofa look­ing as good as new, you need to sched­ule a reg­u­lar clean­ing. Dust and stains that accu­mu­late on your couch over a period of time, makes it look dirty and drab. The best uphol­stery cleaner is one that will remove stains and dirt with­out dam­ag­ing the fab­ric of the upholstery.

Tips for Choos­ing The Best Uphol­stery Cleaner

What's the best uphol­stery cleaner? Well, there are some things that you need to remem­ber while choos­ing the uphol­stery cleaner.
Keep in mind the kind of uphol­stery that needs to be cleaned. A cleaner that works for a par­tic­u­lar type of fab­ric might not work for another. If you have a leather couch, you will need a spe­cific leather uphol­stery cleaner. Basi­cally, dif­fer­ent types of uphol­stery fab­ric needs dif­fer­ent types of clean­ers.
The next step in choos­ing an uphol­stery cleaner, is to keep in mind the kind of stains, if any, that needs to cleaned. It is bet­ter to go for a strong for­mu­la­tion in the uphol­stery cleaner if tough stains are required to be cleaned.
Finally when you do buy a cleaner, make sure that you do a spot test on the under­side of your couch to check for any dis­col­orations.
Home­made Uphol­stery Cleaner

If you have neglected clean­ing your uphol­stery for a long period of time, then you need to call pro­fes­sional uphol­stery clean­ers. How­ever, if you want to clean your couch or sofa at home, you can do so with the help of some basic sup­plies.
Mix ¼ cup of mild liq­uid dish­washer to a cup of warm water. Apply this mix­ture with a soft brush on the fab­ric to be cleaned. Scrub gen­tly and let it dry for 5 -- 6 min­utes. In another cup, pour some water and take a fresh sponge and rub the fab­ric once again to remove the cleaner. You can also use a tooth­brush with soft bris­tles to get rid of any tough stains on your uphol­stery. This is one of the best uphol­stery clean­ers that can be eas­ily made at home.
In a spray bot­tle, com­bine 5 table­spoons of vodka, with a cup of dis­tilled water and a few drops of lemon essen­tial oil. Spray this on your uphol­stery after you have vac­uum cleaned it. This spray will keep your fur­ni­ture smelling fresh.
Mix 2 table­spoons of coarse sea salt with 1 table­spoon of borax and enough dis­tilled water to make a smooth paste. Apply this paste on stains, scrub­bing in a gen­tle cir­cu­lar move­ment. Let it dry com­pletely and then wipe with a moist­ened clean cloth.
Mix equal parts of white vine­gar with equal parts of dis­tilled water. Apply this mix­ture on the stain on the uphol­stery and let it dry. Take a clean sponge, dip it in water and blot the spot. Vine­gar is not suit­able for leather uphol­stery so avoid using it.

Reg­u­lar vac­u­um­ing can greatly improve the life of your fur­ni­ture uphol­stery and help in main­tain­ing it. Use a small but pow­er­ful vac­uum cleaner with a brush attach­ment to clean the sides and cush­ions of your fur­ni­ture. One of the cheap­est and the best uphol­stery clean­ers is plain dis­tilled water. Just dip a clean rag in water and rub your uphol­stery with it. Vac­uum clean when it is dry. Although expen­sive, some of the best uphol­stery clean­ing prod­ucts are avail­able in the mar­ket that are specif­i­cally designed to remove even the tough­est of spots.

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