What Is 3d Ultrasound and How We Use It
In 3D/4D ultrasound scanning exactly the same type and intensity of Ultrasound is used as with conventional 2D scanning. In 1984 the first successful 3D ultrasound scan for obstetrics was developed in Japan, it compiled a series of 2-D slices into a 3-D picture. But it has really been in the last decade that advanced computer technology has made it possible to acquire, reconstruct, and display 3-D images quickly with high resolution. When it comes to diagnostic application of ultrasound, 3D and 4D ultrasounds are not superior to 2D. There are some conditions not possible to diagnose with 3D/4D ultrasound views whereas 2D imaging would provide all the information needed. The diagnostic value of 3D ultrasound in non-obstetric imaging has been considered limited. However 3D ultrasound is the most advanced technology that can produce life-like images of the fetus that are as detailed as a photograph. The natural desire of expecting parents to view and see their baby made 3D Ultrasound a popular tool for prenatal services. "There is no independent, confirmed evidence of harm from ultrasound, it probably is ethical to offer keepsake ultrasound to patients if there is no danger we can discern" says Joshua Copel, MD from Maternal-Fetal Medicine Section at Yale University School of Medicine.