Astrology"s Leo Lucky Days; When Good Fortune Smiles on You
People born in the days between July 23rdand August 21st, have the Zodiac sun sign of Leo the Lion.
As a Leo, you probably know your basic Horoscope, but did you know certain days, even hours each day are fortunate for you just because of your sign?Read on and learn those days and time when good fortune falls to you.
Phase of the Moon The corresponding days in the range of your sun sign will match the phase of the Moon which is luckiest for you.
A Leo born between July 24th and July 31st will be luckier during the days of the New Moon.
Leos born between August 1st and August 7th will have the most luck in the days when the Moon is in it's second quarter.
A Leo born between August 8th and August 16th will in turn be luckier during the time of the Full Moon.
Lastly, Leos born between August 17th and August 21st will be luckiest during the Moon's fourth quarter.
Numerology and Calendar Days From numerology, we know that Leo's celestial number is (5).
Also, the Sun, Leo's ruling planet has a Numerology number of (9).
Combining these two numbers and reducing the sub to a single digit, we arrive at (14) which reduces to (5).
Accordingly, all Leos tend to be blessed with good fortune on all days where the digits of the day o the month sum to (5).
Leos will be especially lucky on the following days each month:the 5th, 14th, and the 23rd.
People born under this sign should also look for chances to have the number (5) associated in the games they play.
Card games where the hands consist of five cards, or a lottery game where (5) numbers are picked in each draw will tend to favor you.
Leos Lucky Hours For those of us born under the sign of Leo, the hours of the day when you are the most fortunate are those when the Sun is ruling the sky.
If you know when sunrise is, you can easily find when good fortune is partnered with you.
Use the table of days below, and just count hours forward from sunrise for that day.
Sunday:The most fortunate hours for Leos will be the 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd hours past sunrise.
Monday:The most fortunate hours for Leos will be the 5th, 12th, and 19th hours past sunrise.
Tuesday:The most fortunate hours for Leos will be the 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd hours past sunrise.
Wednesday:The most fortunate hours for Leos will be the 6th, 13th, and 20th hours past sunrise.
Thursday:The most fortunate hours for Leos will be the 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th hours past sunrise.
Friday:The most fortunate hours for Leos will be the 7th, 14th, and 21st hours past sunrise.
Saturday:The most fortunate hours for Leos will be the 4th, 11th, and 18th hours past sunrise.
Lucky Partners for Leos When playing games of chance that need a partner, Leos should always try to pick someone who was born under one of the following Zodiac signs: Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius.
These partners will help bring balance and good luck to the game.
As a Leo, you probably know your basic Horoscope, but did you know certain days, even hours each day are fortunate for you just because of your sign?Read on and learn those days and time when good fortune falls to you.
Phase of the Moon The corresponding days in the range of your sun sign will match the phase of the Moon which is luckiest for you.
A Leo born between July 24th and July 31st will be luckier during the days of the New Moon.
Leos born between August 1st and August 7th will have the most luck in the days when the Moon is in it's second quarter.
A Leo born between August 8th and August 16th will in turn be luckier during the time of the Full Moon.
Lastly, Leos born between August 17th and August 21st will be luckiest during the Moon's fourth quarter.
Numerology and Calendar Days From numerology, we know that Leo's celestial number is (5).
Also, the Sun, Leo's ruling planet has a Numerology number of (9).
Combining these two numbers and reducing the sub to a single digit, we arrive at (14) which reduces to (5).
Accordingly, all Leos tend to be blessed with good fortune on all days where the digits of the day o the month sum to (5).
Leos will be especially lucky on the following days each month:the 5th, 14th, and the 23rd.
People born under this sign should also look for chances to have the number (5) associated in the games they play.
Card games where the hands consist of five cards, or a lottery game where (5) numbers are picked in each draw will tend to favor you.
Leos Lucky Hours For those of us born under the sign of Leo, the hours of the day when you are the most fortunate are those when the Sun is ruling the sky.
If you know when sunrise is, you can easily find when good fortune is partnered with you.
Use the table of days below, and just count hours forward from sunrise for that day.
Sunday:The most fortunate hours for Leos will be the 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd hours past sunrise.
Monday:The most fortunate hours for Leos will be the 5th, 12th, and 19th hours past sunrise.
Tuesday:The most fortunate hours for Leos will be the 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd hours past sunrise.
Wednesday:The most fortunate hours for Leos will be the 6th, 13th, and 20th hours past sunrise.
Thursday:The most fortunate hours for Leos will be the 3rd, 10th, 17th, and 24th hours past sunrise.
Friday:The most fortunate hours for Leos will be the 7th, 14th, and 21st hours past sunrise.
Saturday:The most fortunate hours for Leos will be the 4th, 11th, and 18th hours past sunrise.
Lucky Partners for Leos When playing games of chance that need a partner, Leos should always try to pick someone who was born under one of the following Zodiac signs: Aquarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius.
These partners will help bring balance and good luck to the game.