How to Dance a Basic Step in Mambo
- 1). When reading the instructions for this pattern, each step begins with the count for that part of the step. This is the beat you will be dancing on and how you will count it.
- 2). All steps in Mambo should land with the ball of the foot first, then lower the heel.
- 3). Stand in closed dance position on your right foot with your left foot free. Closed dance position: lady’s right hand in the man’s left, held at about eye level. Man’s right hand on lady’s left shoulder blade (under her left arm). Lady’s left hand flat on the man’s back, just behind his shoulder. The elbows should be well in front of the body, with space between the partners.
- 4). On count one: do nothing! This count is held, so take a breath.
- 5). On count two: take a small step forward on your left foot. Do not move your right foot.
- 6). On count three: replace the weight back onto your right foot.
- 7). On count four: bring your left foot to your right and change weight to your left.
- 8). On count five: do nothing! This count is held, so take a breath.
- 9). On count six: take a small step back on your right foot. Do not move your left foot.
- 10
On count seven: replace your weight on your left foot. - 11
On count eight: bring your right foot to your left and change weight to the right foot. - 12
The lady's part is the exact opposite of the man's. She should follow his lead, dancing backward when he steps forward, dancing forward when he dances backward.