Insurance and Investment
It was quite true in India few years back when the insurance industry was not opened to foreign investors and financial reforms have not been implemented.
In pre reform era there was only one Life Insurance Company in India - LIC- Life Insurance Corporation of India.
It had a monopoly in this industry and the government support and backing.
Being the only player in the market, there was nothing special in the kinds of policies - as a product.
Whatever was available, at whatever price and in whatever form- was sold and purchased? It has no alternative and customers were compelled to purchase those products.
In those days particularly long term plans, life term plans - known as term policies or whole life policies were mainly sold by LIC.
It had a peculiar term ranging from 20-35 years.
The only specialty of LIC plans was that they were available at meager cost, very low monthly installments etc.
They were quite within the reach of a common man.
So people purchased them not with great intention, but for having some insurance cover or in many cases even not knowing the reason of purchasing.
It was just a one aspect of saving some money, without any thinking of return on it.
Naturally as insurance was never thought as an investment avenue, no one expected great returns on it.
People were happy with whatever 6 -7% returns they got over the span of 20-35 years.
Therefore insurance has never been considered as an investment option in India till recently.
Financial Reforms in India, including insurance reforms opened doors to foreign investors and Indian Market was flooded with number of experienced, developed, world known insurance players from the world.
This reform process has greatly benefited the Indian customers in various ways.
Completely new types of plans, tested worldwide were made available to them.
The competition in the market improved the customer service of LIC out of business compulsions.
Availability of multiple products made them possible to compare the benefits and cost structure, which was unknown for them up till now.
Before insurance reforms hardly anyone known the cost involved in LIC policies, and no one bothered about it also.
The main changing factor was the introduction of unit linked policies.
These are the new products, wherein people can think of earning more returns, even more than the fixed deposit rates of the nationalized banks in India in medium to long term plans.
As unit linked policies offer higher return, naturally it involves greater risk also.
However, no one can think of high return without any risk.
Those are related to share market and high fluctuations and volatility in it also affects the valuation of the units - called as NAV- net asset value.
However experience teaches that in spite of cost and risk involved in it, it offer higher return to the Investor.
Investor can look to insurance policy as a way of earning higher return, as an investment avenue.
It can be easily included in investment portfolio of common man.
ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Company, the leading and Number One private insurance company, since its inception, has maintained its lead in the industry in India due to its best's products, efficient service, customer friendly approach, wise investment policy and so many other factors.
Insurance policy holders of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance have been rewarded with high and reliable returns.
Therefore today in India now even the common man's idea of looking towards insurance is also changing.
It is not only considered as coverage of risk of death but also appreciation of premium paid over the term during life, so that he can enjoy benefit of insurance policy during life.
There is no use of it to proposer after his death.
So ICICI Prudential Life Insurance Policies are giving convincing high return for enjoyment during life time - " Enjoy Wealth created during the Life Time"