Dealing With Adult Diapers and Incontinence Problems
In reality anyone can develop this condition.
There are a lot of reasons why incontinence occurs.
Every time we apply pressure on the pelvic floor it weakens the area.
From laughing and coughing to sneezing, lifting and giving birth; the weak pelvic area can turn into incontinence and other problems.
Incontinence comes in many forms.
Urinary stress, prolapse uterus, rectocele, cyctocele, vaginal vault prolapse and enterocele are subdivisions of incontinence.
This is another name for disorders of pelvic support.
What causes such a thing to happen is the weak support from the vaginal walls, uterus and bladder.
This is not a definite answer, however.
Some people put a lot of stress on their bodies and not go through incontinence.
Others put little stress on the pelvic area and develop this condition.
It can come from heredity.
If your mother suffers from it more than likely you will too.
Don't assume that this will affect one organ either.
It usually affects the pelvic area, but will affect other organs depending on the situation.
This is because the organs in the pelvic area are so close together that incontinence is easy to spread.
Talk to your doctor about incontinence.
Let the gynecologist examine you and you explain your situation with the pelvic area.
He will run tests and see if signs of incontinence are found in your system.
Make sure the gynecologist examines the uterus, bladder vaginal walls and other areas of the pelvis.
There are solutions for this condition such as a dealing adult diaper and surgery.
You have to make sure that the doctor catches everything before taking action.
Here is the list once again.
• Uterine prolapse • Bladder prolapse • Rectocele • Enterocele • Vaginal Prolapse A uterine prolapse is pain felt in the lower abdomen, in the bladder, vagina, or rectal area.
The symptoms don't come immediately.
The only things you will feel is discomfort and pressure.
Symptoms come when it hits the severe state.
Extreme cases are ones where the vagina is turned inside out.
A bladder prolapse is a bladder issue that comes in two ways.
One of them is when the neck of the bladder is weak or dropped.
The other is when the upper bladder is weak or prolapsed to the point where the bladder bulges.
For the first one the bladder neck is the most important element in the urinary system.
Urinary stress incontinence, or when a few drops of leakage from the bladder as a result of laughing, coughing, lifting or sneezing, comes from the weakened bladder neck.
The second one causes urinary tract infection.
A rectocele is when the vagina back wall is bulging over the rectum.
Because it can be large, rectocele can cause pelvic pressure, constipation, and manual bowel movement.
Colorectal surgeons and gynecologists see rectocele in two different ways.
Make sure they know that the back wall of the vagina is weak and it needs strengthening.
This can easily be misdiagnosed.
An enterocele is when the abdominal contents pushes their way down so far it's between the rectum and vagina.
Because this is often misdiagnosed make sure the doctor diagnosed you correctly before surgery.
A vaginal prolapse, also called a vaginal vault prolapse, is when there is a pelvic support disorder after hysterectomy.
The vagina anchors don't hold after a hysterectomy.
It comes down and protrudes at the opening.
Pressure and discomfort follow.
Make sure the doctor knows about vaginal prolapse by checking the bladder, rectum and the top of the vagina to see which one is coming down.