How to Enlarge Your Penis

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We have a lot of techniques which you can make use of to enlarge your penis size.
It does not come so easy, but with patience and endurance you will be on your way to gain a bigger penis.
Some men who were born and grew up with a small penis have been able to get a big penis using what nature has to offer.
You need patient, commitment and endurance to use the available methods to gain a big penis size.
It will not happen like a magic, but it will happen when the time comes.
Just as everything else done on earth requires money, you need money to get a bigger penis.
The amount of money you will spend depends on the method you opt to use.
Nothing good comes free.
It ranges from a few tens of dollars to thousands of dollars.
This should not be too huge for you to spend because you will be the one to enjoy it in time to come.
It is believed that 90% of women prefer a man with a bigger penis.
The average length of a penis is 7 inches, while a lot of men are on their 4 to 6 inches.
Most men have lost the love of their life as result of their small penis.
It will be shameful for you to lose your partner because of your small penis when there are things which you can do to enlarge your small penis to a bigger penis.
These women know why they chose to act this way.
You do not have to be a subject of radical because of your small penis if only you will agree to follow my suggestions to gain a big penis.
I will list the various ways to enlarge the penis size and in return I will make my recommendation.
They are: 1.
Penis surgery: it is a popularly known way to enlarge the size of the penis.
Most penis surgery cost a bit much.
You require up to $15,000 to get your penis enlarged through the use of knife.
It will also be in your best interest to know that there are some complications involved with penis surgery.
You may lose your erectile ability which is popularly known as impotency when you undergo penis surgery.
This is not always the case, but in some of the circumstances some have lost their erection ability through penis surgery.
It is a very risky way to get a big penis.
The fact is that not all men that do penis surgery are satisfied with the results it gives.
Most people that do penis surgery are not satisfied.
Many sources can testify to this.
It will be in your best personal interest to know the pros and cons of penis surgery to avoid regret later on.
It has no reversal; further attempt to reverse your penis size may even cause further complications and damage of your penis size.
You will only be able to see increase in the length of your penis, but not in girth.
There is yet to be a form of surgery that will successfully enlarge the girth of your penis.
It is always better to try other safer forms of enlarging the penis and if it does not work for you, you can then opt to try surgery.
You need some months to recover from the pain of surgery and it could be painful.
Penis pills: many of us receive mails from unknown persons about one penis pill or the other.
The truth is that 98% of penis pills are complete waste of your hard earned money.
Penis pill can not increase your penis size but it can help you to gain a bigger erection.
If when your penis size erects, it stands at 6 inches, some penis pills can add additional 2 inches to it.
This should not be mistakenly for the enlargement of your penis size; instead it should be taken as a bigger penis erection.
You must have seen or even tried penis pills such as sinrex, vimax, extenza, prosolution and the rest of other penis pills.
The best penis pill I will recommend that will give you a big penis erection when you take it is referred to as vimax.
Vimax is unique to other penis pills in terms of the ingredients used for making it.
You will be in a more comfortable position to gain fast and visible result from the use of vimax penis pill.
If you plan to gain a bigger erection, then penis pills like vimax should be the right choice.
Do not be fooled by the promises made by other penis pill because at the end you get nothing for money.
They will just take your money and give you what my mum will call white chalk.
You should be careful when you try a penis pill which is not recommended by an expert.
Penis exercises: the use of penis exercises is another way to get a big penis.
There are some proven exercises that work to give you a bigger penis.
It does not work the way you build your bicep to gain muscle at the gym house.
But it works by forcing more blood to your penis which in turn develops new cells, helping your penis to grow new foreskin.
It is possible for you to add up to 3 inches to your penis size through the use of penis exercises.
We have many types of penis exercises.
The most popular type is jelqing.
Jelqing is the most effective of all types of penis exercises.
We also have hanging, clamping, stretching, milking and the rest of others.
There are various types of jelqing which are usually known as basic and advanced jelqing.
It is very difficult to see a comprehensive and effective instruction on how jelqing is done.
Most websites do not provide the best way to carry it out.
You need to be careful when you follow any jelqing exercise program.
You may damage your penis if you do not follow the proper precaution needed to keep your penis in a safe condition.
You may lost on the way when you follow the instructional techniques on how penis exercises is done, your best bet will be through the use of videos.
Penis advantage offers a good guide on how to get up to 3 inches extra to your penis through the use of exercises.
The good part of penis advantage is that what it provides is made easy to understand using videos, illustration diagrams, this makes it beat other penis exercise programs because they do not use this technique.
Penis extenders: the last and known way to enlarge your penis is through the use of penis extenders.
There are suction device which are wore on the penis to create a permanent enlargement from the use of it.
There are many types of penis extenders but it will also interest you to know that a lot of them lack comfortableness, effectiveness and safety.
Beware of home made penis extenders because it is very dangerous for your penis size.
All penis extenders come with straps.
Straps are the major thing that does the enlargement of the penis size.
If the strap is not up to ce standard, then it means you may not get your desired result at the end of your penis program.
Many penis extenders lack the ce standard for a penis extender strap.
Penis extenders strap require a lot of time to put up.
We have straps made using rubber and latex.
And under these rubber and latex straps, there are single padded and double padded types.
The double padded type of penis extenders are known to be more comfortable, effective and most of all safe to wear.
There is only one penis extender that I have seen which has the double padded strap.
But the problem with it is that it's a bit expensive than others.
They say quality requires money.
But if you have the money, I urge you to go for size genetics.
It is one of the best penis extenders which will give the best result.
You get value for your money when you get it.
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