Are You Still Using The Old Method Of Recruiting For Your Network Marketing Business Part I?

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The old method of doing network marketing use to be talking to all your friends
and business associates as well as your family members about your business. In
the past, it worked very well because network marketing was not widely known and

there were few network marketing companies then.

The prospects seem very interesting and exciting to many people because it was a
new phenomenon. However, as time went by, many people who used that method
became very successful and wealthy with their business as they talk friends and
family into joining their company.

Attending seminars and giving away expensive marketing materials for free to
random prospects use to be the norm and was successful. However, a new trend
appears in the horizon and soon people stopped making good income from network

The reason was because, too many companies with the same marketing plan and
products appeared on the scene and everyone was pitching each other to join their


Another problem that came with the many different companies was people have
started loosing their warm markets and have run out of contacts to meet after
joining 2 - 3 companies. The failure rate in MLM increase to up to 95% - 97%.

It was a dilemma. Many people invested in leads and couldn't make their money
back and quit after trying an MLM program for 3-4 months. Some went back to
their day job and swore never to participate in MLM again, while others continue
to jump from one opportunity to the next thinking that the missing code is the
compensation plan and products. Unfortunately, these type of people are spinning
their wheels and are becoming broke with each passing day.

To learn more, download my free report, "How to build a quick
downline" here: href="/links/?u=">Build A Downline!
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