Vitamins for Teenagers

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    Important Vitamins

    • There are a number of vitamins teenagers need to aid their developmental and growing process. Teenagers need vitamin B6 and vitamin D in higher amounts for tissue and skeletal growth. Rapid tissue synthesis requires an adequate supply of folic acid and vitamin B12. An increased need for vitamin B1 (thaimin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), and vitamin B3 (niacin) when calorie intake increases. Calcium, magnesium and zinc are all needed to ensure proper increase of bone density, especially in girls who may be later prone to osteoporosis. During a teenager's growing phase, newly formed cells require vitamins A, C, and E to function and complete their structure.

    Vitamin Imbalances

    • Teenagers' diets can affect the ability to garner adequate amounts of key vitamins and minerals. During this period in life due to social factors like eating out with friends or going to fast food restaurants, independence factors like eating away from home and deciding what they will and will not eat, and cultural influences like TV, commercials and marketing can create a greater incidence of inadequate diets. Due to poor diet, nutritional intake can suffer. Calcium, zinc, iron, vitamin A and vitamin C are ingested in lower quantities than usual. Due to soft drinks consumed, phosphorus intake can be high and create a calcium imbalance. Teenagers may over eat high sugar and refined carbohydrate foods instead of nutritious leafy vegetables and fruits which have needed vitamins.


    • Teenagers require increased vitamins and minerals and are often subject to developing poor eating habits during this period. Besides encouraging and implementing a healthy diet, teenagers can take a comprehensive multivitamin and mineral supplement to meet vitamin needs. You do not necessarily need to buy a vitamin supplement aimed at teenagers. You can get a comprehensive adult formula. Some vitamin brands include Nature's Plus, GNC, Futurebiotics and Doctor Choice. You can buy multivitamins at the grocery store, drug store, pharmacy or retail stores like Target, Walmart and K-Mart.

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