Tithe Versus Free-will Giving
Ten has always been the symbol of fullness, and when giving a tenth of your income, it symbolizes the total; it represents everything that you've earned.
All things belong to God & has to be seen as such (cf.
50:10; Hag.
2:8; Deut.
8:18; 1Cor.
4:7; Jas.
However, it is important to distinguish between the tithe & free-will giving to the church.
The tithe was implemented in O.
times when Israel was a theocracy and not a democracy, i.
, when it was a God-ruled nation.
The tithe was meant to provide for the rulers of Israel ...
the Levites' tax (Lev.
27:21, 28, 30, 32; cf.
7:34, 36; Num.
They were required to give another ten percent every year that was to go for the funding of the national holidays & national feasts, etc.
12:17; Deut.
This was to take care of national unity & national religion.
And yet another ten percent was required every third year that was to go to the poor as welfare (cf.
26:12; Deut.
That means that 231/3% were annual funding for the government.
The tithe was related to that & was never related to free will giving or spontaneous giving.
It was required taxation, and in Mal.
3:10 where He says, "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, ...
" it means that we should pay our taxes.
, the tithe in the Old Testament was not free will giving to God out of love, but it was a compulsory paying of taxes.
In O.
times there was free will giving too (Prov.
3:9), to give & honour the Lord with however much they wanted, and for that there was a principle (Prov.
That principle was reiterated by Jesus in Luke 6:38 & similar ones are found throughout Scripture (see Acts 4:35; cf.
Acts 6:5; 2Cor.
8:2, 5; 2Cor.
9:6-8; 1John 3:17; Jas 2:17,20,26).
God wants us to do good to others, whoever they are, and so we have to be ready & eager to share wherever the government doesn't provide (cf.
13:16; Acts 20:35).
So what is the proportion of giving? How much are we to give? What does Paul say in 1Cor.
16:2? You are to give just exactly what you in your heart determine.
Let every one of us purpose in his heart what he will give, but be sure that it's not grudgingly or of necessity, because the Lord loves a cheerful giver (cf.
The period for giving is the first day of the week, because that is what they did back then (cf.
And this was done so that when a need came along, they didn't have to traumatise it & get everybody all worked up so that they gave emotionally.
Likewise, we need to learn to deal systematically, week by week, with stewardship, so that when needs come there'll be money available.
This forms a great part of our faithfulness ...
giving to God out of love and not out of some emotional stimulation.
All things belong to God & has to be seen as such (cf.
50:10; Hag.
2:8; Deut.
8:18; 1Cor.
4:7; Jas.
However, it is important to distinguish between the tithe & free-will giving to the church.
The tithe was implemented in O.
times when Israel was a theocracy and not a democracy, i.
, when it was a God-ruled nation.
The tithe was meant to provide for the rulers of Israel ...
the Levites' tax (Lev.
27:21, 28, 30, 32; cf.
7:34, 36; Num.
They were required to give another ten percent every year that was to go for the funding of the national holidays & national feasts, etc.
12:17; Deut.
This was to take care of national unity & national religion.
And yet another ten percent was required every third year that was to go to the poor as welfare (cf.
26:12; Deut.
That means that 231/3% were annual funding for the government.
The tithe was related to that & was never related to free will giving or spontaneous giving.
It was required taxation, and in Mal.
3:10 where He says, "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, ...
" it means that we should pay our taxes.
, the tithe in the Old Testament was not free will giving to God out of love, but it was a compulsory paying of taxes.
In O.
times there was free will giving too (Prov.
3:9), to give & honour the Lord with however much they wanted, and for that there was a principle (Prov.
That principle was reiterated by Jesus in Luke 6:38 & similar ones are found throughout Scripture (see Acts 4:35; cf.
Acts 6:5; 2Cor.
8:2, 5; 2Cor.
9:6-8; 1John 3:17; Jas 2:17,20,26).
God wants us to do good to others, whoever they are, and so we have to be ready & eager to share wherever the government doesn't provide (cf.
13:16; Acts 20:35).
So what is the proportion of giving? How much are we to give? What does Paul say in 1Cor.
16:2? You are to give just exactly what you in your heart determine.
Let every one of us purpose in his heart what he will give, but be sure that it's not grudgingly or of necessity, because the Lord loves a cheerful giver (cf.
The period for giving is the first day of the week, because that is what they did back then (cf.
And this was done so that when a need came along, they didn't have to traumatise it & get everybody all worked up so that they gave emotionally.
Likewise, we need to learn to deal systematically, week by week, with stewardship, so that when needs come there'll be money available.
This forms a great part of our faithfulness ...
giving to God out of love and not out of some emotional stimulation.