ED Pill and Importance of Labels

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Erectile dysfunction is not strange to anyone now. The disease received all the hyped publicity with the introduction of the oral ED pills. There is no denying the fact that all the publicity only brought good to the common people. Awareness regarding impotence increased manifold as a result of the introduction of the much publicized ED pills. People are no longer inhibited to talk about this disease that was once thought to be a scar on the manlihood of a person. Erectile dysfunction was earlier the impediment towards leading a healthy sex life. It was most efficiently overcome by the ED drugs.

However, as they say every coin has a flip side too. The ED drugs also have a flip side in the sense that these drugs had quite serious side effects. Though all the famous ED drugs are FDA approved, yet their side effects can sometimes be quite dangerous. The FDA has made it compulsory for the makers to print the side effects of the drugs clearly in the labels. It's because of the side effects that all types of ED treatments are strictly prescribed. They cannot be had randomly and buying and selling of these drugs are illegal. Inspite of all the rules and regulations, trafficking of these drugs are being carried out. Duplicate ED drugs, bearing some kind of resemblance to the originals are also being marketed in the market. The sad part is that these drugs also have takers. Another very serious matter of concern with these drugs is that they are often misunderstood to be the sexual enhancers, which they are not. They are only for patients who have an insipid sex life because of erectile dysfunction. Especially the teenagers and the adolescents go for these drugs as a tool of excitement and many of them suffer the side effects also.

In such a condition the authorities pulled up their socks and did all that could be done in order to minimize the magnitude of ED drug abuse. Recently another drug was introduced in the ever expanding bandwagon of the ED drugs. A drug named Libidus was unapproved by Health Canada as they didn't deem it safe to be offered to the public. It is not an innocent co-incidence that the term Libidus bears a very strong resemblance to the term libido. Being an ED drug it is only natural that these kinds of terms will be taken up. However, the problem with the drug was that it contained the element called Sildenafil. This element is also present in one of the approved ED drugs. But the problem with Libidus is that its label doesn't mention the presence of the element. This element can cause serious trouble if it interacts with nitrate drugs that are generally had in case of heart ailments. Thus the drug was pulled out of the market.

Levitra one of the ED drugs to be approved by the FDA contains Vardenafil HCl. This element can also cause drug interaction with the nitrate drugs and induce life threatening conditions. There are other duplicate drugs as well that have this element without a mention in the labels. Hence it is very important to visit a doctor before taking up any ED pill therapy. In addition to all the side effects, the components and all the other necessary information are mentioned clearly in the labels of approved ED drugs. Please go through them carefully before you opt to buy levitra [http://www.levitrabliss.com/index.html] or viagra [http://www.viagrathunder.com] or cialis.
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