Navy Reserve FAQ
- Navy Reservists with no previous military experience have to commit to an eight-year service. During that time, Reservists commit at least one weekend every month and two weeks a year.
- A person with no previous military experience will have to undergo a nine-week Recruit Training course in Great Lakes, Illinois.
- Navy Reservists work alongside active duty Navy and carry out all the same duties.
- The pay scale for Navy Reservists and the Navy personnel on active duty is the same. Reservists are paid four days base salary for each weekend (two days) service a month, and full pay (including allowances for food and lodging) for the two-week yearly service.
- Yes. The amount of retirement income depends on your pay grade and amount of time you served as a Reservist or Reserve on Active Duty.
What are the service requirements?
What is the Basic Training for Navy Reservists?
What are Navy Reservists required to do?
How much do Navy Reservists get paid?
Are Reservists eligible for retirement income?