Visualising GOD in favorable & unfavorable times
Whatever favorable is happening in our life must always be attributed to the kindness of GOD. Similarly whatever unfavorable is happening in our life must always be taken as our self-earned fruits of our misdeeds (fruits of past accumulated misdeeds) which have mercifully been reduced to a great extend by the merciful LORD to enable us to bear with it. It must always be our endeavor at both instances, to be able to see the kindness & mercy of the LORD and to constantly remember such kindness & mercy all through our life. Because he who is able to see the kindness & mercy of the LORD in both situations remains most dear to the LORD.
But the understanding of such unique theorem only unfolds in our life when our life's vision gets purified. What is this unique theorem? First theorem €" Not to forget remembering the kindness of GOD in favorable times. Second theorem- Not to forget remembering the mercy of GOD in unfavorable times (GOD's mercy in drastically reducing the ill fruits of our past misdeeds).
But we foolish fellows just do the reverse. We attribute our favorable times to be the result of our self-earned good deeds and therefore keep enjoying our good times. But in unfavorable times we instantly attribute it as misery send by GOD and even do not hesitate to hold GOD responsible for it. How foolish of us that instead of visualising the mercy of LORD in unfavorable times, we malign our wisdom & our psyche by blaming GOD. The very thought of holding GOD responsible for our unfavorable times should never surface in our mind because there can't be any err on part of Almighty GOD. The very thought of blaming GOD is in itself a sin of the greatest magnitude but we do not hesitate to commit such sin in our life.
For example, when a man in young age, who is the only hope of his old-aged parent, who is the only brother of many sisters, passes away in an accident, you will find the family commenting on his pre-mature death by saying that GOD had done gross injustice. Such thoughts are so unholy and such words uttered from our mouth tantamount to a very big sin. Because did we knew the dead young man's tally of debits & credits for good deeds & misdeeds committed by him in past many lives.
During unfavorable times, our sacred thought should only be that the merciful LORD have shown great mercy in reducing the burden many a times of my accumulated misdeeds so as to enable me to bear with it. If my merciful FATHER had not shown the mercy of reducing the burden of my misdeeds, I would have had such misfortune and such unfavorable situation that it would have been next to impossible for me to tide over it. ( In other words, whatever misdeeds were committed by me in past many life are of such magnitude that I couldn't have bore its consequences and therefore my merciful FATHER has only reduced its consequences to such great extend so as to make it bearable for me). We must also appreciate that the strength to bear in unfavorable times is another great blessing of Almighty GOD. For example on the very day of the death of the young man, there is paramount sorrow in the family but by the 12th day almost everyone in family accepts & adapts to the unfavorable situation. As the saying goes €the passage of time works as a healer€. This time healer (the power of accepting & adapting unfavorable situation) is nothing but another GOD-gift, another master example of MASTER's mercy.
Similarly during favorable times, our sacred thought should only be that my kind LORD has multiplied many fold the fruits of my past good deeds. We must always cultivate this habit of compulsorily seeing GOD's kindness in our favorable times, else it will only take a split second for arrogance & vainness to surface and make us falsely believe that the favorable time is due to our destiny by virtue of our self-earned good deeds of past lives.
Always remember a compassionate principle of my Almighty GOD. While giving the fruits of our deeds, HE always multiplies the fruits of our good deeds many fold and HE always reduces the fruits of our misdeeds many fold. If it were not true, then we wouldn't have been in situation we presently find ourselves in (i.e. If the time is favorable it could not have been so favorable purely on strength of our good deeds without LORD's kindness of multiplying it many fold. And if time is unfavorable it would have been much worst purely on strength of our misdeeds, had the LORD not shown mercy in reducing it many fold). Therefore howsoever we are today in both situations, is only & purely due to the mercy & kindness of Almighty GOD. Therefore we must cultivate the habit to see the mercy and kindness of Almighty LORD at every moment and during every situation in our life.
But the understanding of such unique theorem only unfolds in our life when our life's vision gets purified. What is this unique theorem? First theorem €" Not to forget remembering the kindness of GOD in favorable times. Second theorem- Not to forget remembering the mercy of GOD in unfavorable times (GOD's mercy in drastically reducing the ill fruits of our past misdeeds).
But we foolish fellows just do the reverse. We attribute our favorable times to be the result of our self-earned good deeds and therefore keep enjoying our good times. But in unfavorable times we instantly attribute it as misery send by GOD and even do not hesitate to hold GOD responsible for it. How foolish of us that instead of visualising the mercy of LORD in unfavorable times, we malign our wisdom & our psyche by blaming GOD. The very thought of holding GOD responsible for our unfavorable times should never surface in our mind because there can't be any err on part of Almighty GOD. The very thought of blaming GOD is in itself a sin of the greatest magnitude but we do not hesitate to commit such sin in our life.
For example, when a man in young age, who is the only hope of his old-aged parent, who is the only brother of many sisters, passes away in an accident, you will find the family commenting on his pre-mature death by saying that GOD had done gross injustice. Such thoughts are so unholy and such words uttered from our mouth tantamount to a very big sin. Because did we knew the dead young man's tally of debits & credits for good deeds & misdeeds committed by him in past many lives.
During unfavorable times, our sacred thought should only be that the merciful LORD have shown great mercy in reducing the burden many a times of my accumulated misdeeds so as to enable me to bear with it. If my merciful FATHER had not shown the mercy of reducing the burden of my misdeeds, I would have had such misfortune and such unfavorable situation that it would have been next to impossible for me to tide over it. ( In other words, whatever misdeeds were committed by me in past many life are of such magnitude that I couldn't have bore its consequences and therefore my merciful FATHER has only reduced its consequences to such great extend so as to make it bearable for me). We must also appreciate that the strength to bear in unfavorable times is another great blessing of Almighty GOD. For example on the very day of the death of the young man, there is paramount sorrow in the family but by the 12th day almost everyone in family accepts & adapts to the unfavorable situation. As the saying goes €the passage of time works as a healer€. This time healer (the power of accepting & adapting unfavorable situation) is nothing but another GOD-gift, another master example of MASTER's mercy.
Similarly during favorable times, our sacred thought should only be that my kind LORD has multiplied many fold the fruits of my past good deeds. We must always cultivate this habit of compulsorily seeing GOD's kindness in our favorable times, else it will only take a split second for arrogance & vainness to surface and make us falsely believe that the favorable time is due to our destiny by virtue of our self-earned good deeds of past lives.
Always remember a compassionate principle of my Almighty GOD. While giving the fruits of our deeds, HE always multiplies the fruits of our good deeds many fold and HE always reduces the fruits of our misdeeds many fold. If it were not true, then we wouldn't have been in situation we presently find ourselves in (i.e. If the time is favorable it could not have been so favorable purely on strength of our good deeds without LORD's kindness of multiplying it many fold. And if time is unfavorable it would have been much worst purely on strength of our misdeeds, had the LORD not shown mercy in reducing it many fold). Therefore howsoever we are today in both situations, is only & purely due to the mercy & kindness of Almighty GOD. Therefore we must cultivate the habit to see the mercy and kindness of Almighty LORD at every moment and during every situation in our life.