Natural Home Remedies to Kill Fruit Flies
- Fruit flies are pests that attack over-ripened fruit.Fruit fly image by john barber from
Fruit flies are often found in the home and outdoors hovering around over-ripened fruit, garbage and yeasty materials in alcohol. Fruit flies are often at their worst during the summer months. Although products in the market can deal with the common fruit fly, several home remedies are cheap and eco-friendly. - Mix together one part water, one part apple cider vinegar and two to three drops of dish soap in a cup, according to Treehugger. Allow the materials to sit for several hours. Return later and inspect the cup. At the bottom should be several dead fruit flies. Repeat this method several times to kill all fruit flies in the home. Place several cups of the mixture throughout the home to improve coverage and conserve time.
- Cover a mason jar or clean condiment jar in black paint, says the Portland city Web site. Coat the inside of the jar with honey or a viscous liquid such as vegetable oil. Crush a banana and place the jar over the banana using small wooden blocks. The flies should have enough room to feed on the banana. The flies feed on the bait then fly up into the jar, where they stick to the substance.
- The University of Nebraska-Lincoln recommends using a yeast trap to kill fruit flies. Take a one pint glass jar and add a 1/4 to 1/3 cup of water to it. Sprinkle one package of dried yeast into the water and mix. Add one teaspoon of sugar and mix again. After a few minutes the yeast will bubble up. Place a plastic sandwich bag over the lip of the jar, allowing one end to dip into the water. Poke a 1/8-inch hole into the plastic bag. Secure the bag to the rim of the jar using a rubber band. The flies will crawl through the plastic and drown in the liquid.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Black Jar
Yeast Trap