New Cause Eyed for Adult-Onset Asthma

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New Cause Eyed for Adult-Onset Asthma


The study was limited to a very specific population and may not be generalizable to other populations.

All of the biomarker measurements were made at a single timepoint. Thus, one cannot be certain that they remained the same throughout the study period, nor is it stated at what time asthma began during the observation period.

Asthma, when it occurred, was validated by pulmonary function testing as well as symptomatology. But the absence of asthma in the control group was not verified by any pulmonary function tests.

The relationship between antioxidant plasma levels and reduction of asthma risk was unclear. However, in the case of PAF-AH, it can be suggested that the lower level of that modality allowed PAF levels to increase, and PAF is known to be a proinflammatory molecule.

The study also has strengths. It is prospective, large, and of long duration, providing the power necessary for statistical validation. The population, all females—essentially all nonsmokers with normal basal metabolic indexes, living and working in the same industrial environment—minimizes several potential confounding factors.

In addition, the levels of antioxidant biomarkers were determined before the onset of the trial and therefore preceded the onset of asthma.

It is notable that although levels of PAH-AH and alpha-tocopherol were relatively lower in the asthma group, they were still within what is considered the "normal" range. This suggests that replacement of antioxidants could be easily obtained by dietary means—for example, eating more fruits and vegetables—rather than with high-dose supplemental replacement of micronutrients.


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