Why you may only require just a letter from a Lawyer and not have to retain one and pay a large fee.
I could go on but those are just a few of the type of letters that we prepare for people for a flat fee of $125.00 sent certified mail return receipt requested. In most cases that will cover the entire cost of the letter. There are some exceptions where the letter is exceptionally long or complicated and then it would cost a little more.
Lawyers have offices and generally try to get nice offices with a veiw and to place nice furniture and equipment in those offices along with hiring a staff of other lawyers perhaps and secretaries and paralegals etc. This gets costly and so they have to charge consultation fees and charge large retainer fees to pay for all of this. I was just such a lawyer but after 35 years in litigation work decided to down size and go into semi retirement and so I created lawyersletters.com to try to pass savings on to the consumer in the form of inexpensive letters to settle issues between people and/or businesses. I got rid of the large staff and the huge office and cut my overhead way back.
Since creating this website about a year ago we are doing an incredible amount of business in the form of cease and desist letters and demand letters of all types. It is hard to imagine a topic in which our letters might now work but if we feel that the letter will not work we will tell you. We are honest and want to return to the community some of what we gained from their reliable and loyal business that they bestowed upon us. Please visit our website and check out all of the types of letters and issues that we address. We handle other services at agreed upon rates but only take in a few cases a year now. We do try to refer the person who would like to try the letter to someone if our letter does not work but the individual will have to work out their own retainer agreements with the other lawyer. We may not know someone in a particular area and so the person my have to shop for their own local lawyer but we do try.
Also while you are on our website be sure and check out the youtube videos that we produce that are informative and we hope educational on various topics. We try to produce one every few weeks and take down old ones and replace them. Once you are on our site you can see the youtube channel and visit it for other topics that have been covered. We welcome suggestions on topics and will try to cover those topics suggested in future videos.