How Many Miles Should I Run to Lose Weight?
- Running typically burns approximately 100 calories per hour. There are 3,500 calories in a pound. Most runners can comfortable run a mile in ten minutes, so running 5 miles a day will lead to losing a pound in a week.
- If you're in good shape and can stand to run fast or sprint, you can increase the number of calories your body burns in a hour. If you weigh over 150 lbs., your body burns a greater number of calories per hour.
- Regardless of how much you weigh or what good shape you're in, you must burn 3,500 calories to lose a pound. The better shape you're in, your body will burn more calories per hour. Therefore, losing weight can be achieved faster the more fit you are.
Approximately 35 Miles a Week
If You're Fit, You'll Lose Weight Quicker.
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