Dental Crowns: Types of Caps, Uses and Lifespan
If you're self-conscious about your cracked, extensively decayed, or worn teeth dental crowns can bring back your healthy, white teeth and natural-looking smile.
In addition to fulfill functional requirements, dental crowns also improve esthetics of teeth.
A dental crown, also called a cap, is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over that damaged portion of the tooth to restore it to its original shape and appearance.
A crown is also fitted onto the dental implant in order to replace a missing or broken tooth.
A crown gives your decayed tooth a new lease of life and protects it from further damage.
In addition to return structure, strength, and function to the tooth, a crown will preserve the jaw's proper alignment.
A crown is routinely used to: - Repair a fractured tooth - Repair a tooth that has a very large cavity - Restore and strengthen a damaged tooth - Replace a large, worn filling - Improve a tooth's aesthetics - Protect a weak and fragile tooth from further damage - Attach a bridge - Cover a dental implant - Cover a poorly shaped tooth - Improve the appearance of natural teeth that are discolored, malformed or malpositioned.
Types Crowns are usually made from several different materials, with precious metal alloy (gold), porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns (a combination of dental ceramic and metal alloy) and all-ceramic crowns being the most common types.
Other materials include metal alloys and acrylic.
Porcelain crowns can be matched to the color of your natural teeth and are often used for the front teeth but may be used for the back teeth.
Some porcelain crowns are bonded to a metal shell which gives strength and support to the porcelain.
Porcelain crowns are also extremely durable and long-lasting.
The crowns made entirely out of gold or any other precious, semi-precious or non-precious alloy are very strong and so workable that they can withstand even the heaviest biting and chewing forces well.
The metal alloys, some of which are silver in color, rather than yellow like gold, are generally stronger than porcelain and have greater potential for lasting the longest.
They are not usually placed on teeth that are visible when a person smiles, instead are recommended for molar teeth.
How is a Crown Made? Before a crown can be fabricated in a dental laboratory, the tooth (or teeth) must be reduced in size so that it holds the crown in place.
Once the tooth is prepared, your dentist will use a paste or putty to make an impression and provide an exact mold for the final crown.
Using this impression, a ceramist at the lab will use gold, metal or ceramic material to make a crown in the proper dimensions and colors for that specific patient.
When you are satisfied with the fit and appearance of the new crown your dentist will fix it in place with special dental cement or adhesive which will form a seal to hold the crown in place.
How Long do Crowns Last? While crowns can last a lifetime, sometimes the cement washes out from under the crowns due to which they come loose or fall out.
The life span of a crown depends on how well you look after it.
It is extremely vital to practice good oral hygiene and keep your crowns just as clean as you do with your natural teeth in order to ensure the longevity of your crowns.
Brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day and flossing daily will keep your gums and teeth healthy and prevent damage to your new crowns.
Avoid chewing ice or other hard foods, biting your fingernails, grinding or clenching your teeth, and using your teeth to open packaging.
In addition to fulfill functional requirements, dental crowns also improve esthetics of teeth.
A dental crown, also called a cap, is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed over that damaged portion of the tooth to restore it to its original shape and appearance.
A crown is also fitted onto the dental implant in order to replace a missing or broken tooth.
A crown gives your decayed tooth a new lease of life and protects it from further damage.
In addition to return structure, strength, and function to the tooth, a crown will preserve the jaw's proper alignment.
A crown is routinely used to: - Repair a fractured tooth - Repair a tooth that has a very large cavity - Restore and strengthen a damaged tooth - Replace a large, worn filling - Improve a tooth's aesthetics - Protect a weak and fragile tooth from further damage - Attach a bridge - Cover a dental implant - Cover a poorly shaped tooth - Improve the appearance of natural teeth that are discolored, malformed or malpositioned.
Types Crowns are usually made from several different materials, with precious metal alloy (gold), porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns (a combination of dental ceramic and metal alloy) and all-ceramic crowns being the most common types.
Other materials include metal alloys and acrylic.
Porcelain crowns can be matched to the color of your natural teeth and are often used for the front teeth but may be used for the back teeth.
Some porcelain crowns are bonded to a metal shell which gives strength and support to the porcelain.
Porcelain crowns are also extremely durable and long-lasting.
The crowns made entirely out of gold or any other precious, semi-precious or non-precious alloy are very strong and so workable that they can withstand even the heaviest biting and chewing forces well.
The metal alloys, some of which are silver in color, rather than yellow like gold, are generally stronger than porcelain and have greater potential for lasting the longest.
They are not usually placed on teeth that are visible when a person smiles, instead are recommended for molar teeth.
How is a Crown Made? Before a crown can be fabricated in a dental laboratory, the tooth (or teeth) must be reduced in size so that it holds the crown in place.
Once the tooth is prepared, your dentist will use a paste or putty to make an impression and provide an exact mold for the final crown.
Using this impression, a ceramist at the lab will use gold, metal or ceramic material to make a crown in the proper dimensions and colors for that specific patient.
When you are satisfied with the fit and appearance of the new crown your dentist will fix it in place with special dental cement or adhesive which will form a seal to hold the crown in place.
How Long do Crowns Last? While crowns can last a lifetime, sometimes the cement washes out from under the crowns due to which they come loose or fall out.
The life span of a crown depends on how well you look after it.
It is extremely vital to practice good oral hygiene and keep your crowns just as clean as you do with your natural teeth in order to ensure the longevity of your crowns.
Brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day and flossing daily will keep your gums and teeth healthy and prevent damage to your new crowns.
Avoid chewing ice or other hard foods, biting your fingernails, grinding or clenching your teeth, and using your teeth to open packaging.