Harder Erections - Curing Erectile Dysfunction in Young Men
However many young men are suffering from erectile dysfunction.
Although not as common as men with 40 ages and up, it still happens.
Don't be ashamed there are many things that young men with erectile dysfunction can do in order to achieve long lasting erections.
Not only can it be done, it can be done naturally.
That means no doctors and no man made drugs with unwanted side effects.
There are two things we must talk about to get an idea of why you may not be achieving an erection.
These two things go hand in hand and are called Nitric Oxide and Testosterone.
Many of you have probably heard of at least one of these things.
Lets talk about testosterone.
Why is it so important?Testosterone is what makes males and females want to have sex.
Not only does it make you want to have sex, it also is important for sexual stamina.
If you have low testosterone levels you may never want to have sex, therefore achieving an erection may be difficult.
Why is Nitric Oxide so important?NO moderates the blood flow to the penis, without it you would not be able to achieve an erection.
What happens is once you have a sexual thought, your brain sends a signal to your penis telling it to release Nitric Oxide, if you don't have enough of this, very little if any blood will flow into the penis, which would make sex pretty difficult.
Three things that you can take to increase this are...
- Ginseng
- Cnidium
- Horny Goat Weed
This pill is considered the best sex pill.