Head Injury - When it is Serious and What to Do About it
Any head trauma should be considered severe and needs to be seen by an M.
and monitored closely with supervision for several days.
It is a common head injury and results from a blow to the head that is hard enough to jostle the brain and make the brain hit against the skull.
When a person receives a blow to the head, it is not always possible to determine the extent of the injury without examination.
It is important that you follow these instructions.
Immediately see the doctor.
Arouse the patient every two to three hours of the first 24 hours if asleep and ask them: What is your name? Where you are? Can they identify you by name? 3.
If you cannot awaken the patient or if they cannot answer your questions, take them immediately to the hospital--do not wait or ignore any symptom whatsoever.
Check the pupils of both eyes to make sure they are the same size.
Do they react to light by constricting the pupils (make pupils smaller)? 5.
Do not take anything stronger than acetaminophen (Tylenol) for a headache.
Do not take sleeping pills, tranquilizers or narcotics because they may mask the signs and symptoms of a more serious head injury.
No aspirin.
Relax for 48-72 hours, then if you feel well, slowly resume normal activities.
Give only clear liquids for the first 12 - 24 hours.
Occasional vomiting is common following a head injury.
No caffeine, coffee, or tea.
All head injuries should be seen and followed up by a physician in 1-2 days, sooner if necessary.
Go to the hospital or return to Doctors Medical Center immediately if you experience: * A persistent or worsening or pulsatile headache * Vomiting or severe nausea * Blurred vision or unequal pupil size * Any change in personality or attitude * Abnormal eye movements * Staggering or walking into things * Seizures * Difficulty in waking the patient * Inability to answer simply questions * Balance or in coordination * Any other unusual signs or symptoms.
Nothing is too insignificant to be re-evaluated now.