How To Know A Good Debt Management Plan
Don't patronize a DMP that try to enroll you without taking time to review your credit situation. This is a sure sign of incompetence. It's like a doctor giving a prescription without diagnoses. Sign up for one of these plans only after a certified credit counselor has thoroughly reviewed your financial situation, and has recommended a debt management plan.
Stay away from DMPs that charge you high upfront charges or monthly fees for enrollment.Some will try to get you to make voluntary donations which is just another way of making you pay upfront. These DMPs are just out to make a sale and might not deliver on their promises. Absolutely do not make any payments into a DMP before your creditors have accepted you into the program.
Beware of debt management plans that request for your personal financial information, such as credit card account numbers, and balances without giving you free information about the services they provide. The least a DMP should do is to give you a brochure outlining their services and your part in the debt management process.
A good DMP should have an ongoing training on debt management and budgeting for its clients. It is the lack of these skills that makes most people to run into debts. Therefore if a DMP is really out to help you they will have a program to teach you so that you will not become a perpetual costumer of debt solution companies.
Check out the link below
Debt Information Center to get more free information on debt management and consolidation.