Remedies for Dry Eyes
- If you have dry eyes, stay out of the wind if at all possible. Wear glasses as a type of shield if you must be out in the blustery weather. Protect your eyes from chlorinated water--another drying element by wearing goggles when you swim.
- Use rewetting drops or synthetic tears to add moisture to your dry eyes. Try an over-the-counter remedy or talk to your eye care provider about getting a prescription for a stronger drop. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved cyclosporine as a treatment for chronic dry eyes.
- Blinking is your eyes' way of refreshing and cleaning themselves. If you have dry eyes, try blinking more often in an effort to produce more tears.
- Smoking and rubbing your eyes are two habits that can cause your dry eyes to hurt more. If this is a chronic condition for you, try to avoid areas where people are smoking and don't smoke yourself.
- Increase your Omega-3 intake. Some people with dry eyes have found a decrease in discomfort when they eat more Omega-3. Eat more Omega-rich seafood, including salmon, halibut and scallops. Broccoli, cauliflower, walnuts and tofu are also good dietary sources of Omega-3. You can also buy Omega-3 supplements at your local supermarket.