Breast Augmentation - The Procedure, The Risks & The Rewards
What actually happens in breast augmentation? Is it safe? What are the risks? How long in the recovery time?
Breast augmentation is the Number One elective surgery chosen by women today. Since there has been much controversy about breast implants in the past, if you are considering this surgery, yourself, there are many questions you'll want to have answered.
First of all, the procedure and the implants are now recognized as a safe and effective way to increase breast size and improve shape. It's far more effective than pills and exercise gadgets, and offers immediate, long-lasting results.
Almost always, the surgery is done on an outpatient basis, under general anesthesia. The operation lasts less than an hour, and when you wake up you will be wearing a bra and will notice two small bandages over the incisions. The incisions are usually in the armpit, and are less than an inch long. (Once healed, you can wear a bathing suit or sleeveless top without a visible scar.)
The breast implant is placed behind the chest wall muscle, to reduce the chance of hardening and to give a more natural look and feel. (Implants placed in front of the muscle also look natural but they do tend to sag over time.)
The issue most women agonize over most is - not surprisingly - size. The most common reason for additional surgery after the initial implant is because the woman has changed her mind about the size - so it makes all kinds of sense to research and discuss that aspect of the operation thoroughly, before proceeding.
So... How do you know what size and shape implant to choose? An in-depth conversation with your breast surgeon is the first step... and seeing pictures and talking to others who've had the procedure helps, as well. What's most important to keep in mind is your own, personal body size and shape - what looks great on a 6-foot-tall, emaciated runway model might not look so hot on average-height, average-weight you.
An excellent way to handle the challenge of choosing size and shape of your implants is to try on implants of varying sizes and shapes by wearing them inside a special bra for several days as you go about your normal routine. This implant simulation will give you a good idea of what to expect after surgery as well as letting your surgeon know what you think is "too big," or "too small." Find a good sizing kit that contains information about breast augmentation, how to choose an implant size, a number of different "try on" implants, a specially made bra to use with the implants, and an instructional DVD.
After your surgery, you should avoid heavy lifting or strenuous activity for the first week. During the second week, you may resume light activity and exercise (such as using a treadmill), and by the third week, all restraints are off.
All surgery carries with it at least some risk - but the risks associated with breast implants are extremely rare and very small. They include: Bleeding and infection... Contracture (hardening of the implants)... Briefly altered nipple sensation... and rupture of the implant.
Be assured, though, that your surgeon will take every precaution to minimize the risk of bleeding and infection... can place your implants behind the muscle wall to reduce chances of contracture... that nipple sensation will return to normal within a few months... and that rupture is very rare and not at all threatening to your health (although you will need to have the implant replaced, it's a relatively minor procedure and the major implant manufacturers offer lifetime replacement warranties).
Breast implants don't affect breast-feeding, and most importantly, implants will not affect your risk of getting or detecting breast cancer. The latter is a concern for all women, and it's important to know that you aren't doing something that could be harmful to you in the future.
Short of having access to a magic wand, it's hard to imagine any surgery with fewer risks and complications than breast augmentation. And the benefits - in appearance, self-confidence and self-esteem - are so profound that any woman who currently is dissatisfied with her breasts owes it to herself to consider the procedure.
Breast augmentation is the Number One elective surgery chosen by women today. Since there has been much controversy about breast implants in the past, if you are considering this surgery, yourself, there are many questions you'll want to have answered.
First of all, the procedure and the implants are now recognized as a safe and effective way to increase breast size and improve shape. It's far more effective than pills and exercise gadgets, and offers immediate, long-lasting results.
Almost always, the surgery is done on an outpatient basis, under general anesthesia. The operation lasts less than an hour, and when you wake up you will be wearing a bra and will notice two small bandages over the incisions. The incisions are usually in the armpit, and are less than an inch long. (Once healed, you can wear a bathing suit or sleeveless top without a visible scar.)
The breast implant is placed behind the chest wall muscle, to reduce the chance of hardening and to give a more natural look and feel. (Implants placed in front of the muscle also look natural but they do tend to sag over time.)
The issue most women agonize over most is - not surprisingly - size. The most common reason for additional surgery after the initial implant is because the woman has changed her mind about the size - so it makes all kinds of sense to research and discuss that aspect of the operation thoroughly, before proceeding.
So... How do you know what size and shape implant to choose? An in-depth conversation with your breast surgeon is the first step... and seeing pictures and talking to others who've had the procedure helps, as well. What's most important to keep in mind is your own, personal body size and shape - what looks great on a 6-foot-tall, emaciated runway model might not look so hot on average-height, average-weight you.
An excellent way to handle the challenge of choosing size and shape of your implants is to try on implants of varying sizes and shapes by wearing them inside a special bra for several days as you go about your normal routine. This implant simulation will give you a good idea of what to expect after surgery as well as letting your surgeon know what you think is "too big," or "too small." Find a good sizing kit that contains information about breast augmentation, how to choose an implant size, a number of different "try on" implants, a specially made bra to use with the implants, and an instructional DVD.
After your surgery, you should avoid heavy lifting or strenuous activity for the first week. During the second week, you may resume light activity and exercise (such as using a treadmill), and by the third week, all restraints are off.
All surgery carries with it at least some risk - but the risks associated with breast implants are extremely rare and very small. They include: Bleeding and infection... Contracture (hardening of the implants)... Briefly altered nipple sensation... and rupture of the implant.
Be assured, though, that your surgeon will take every precaution to minimize the risk of bleeding and infection... can place your implants behind the muscle wall to reduce chances of contracture... that nipple sensation will return to normal within a few months... and that rupture is very rare and not at all threatening to your health (although you will need to have the implant replaced, it's a relatively minor procedure and the major implant manufacturers offer lifetime replacement warranties).
Breast implants don't affect breast-feeding, and most importantly, implants will not affect your risk of getting or detecting breast cancer. The latter is a concern for all women, and it's important to know that you aren't doing something that could be harmful to you in the future.
Short of having access to a magic wand, it's hard to imagine any surgery with fewer risks and complications than breast augmentation. And the benefits - in appearance, self-confidence and self-esteem - are so profound that any woman who currently is dissatisfied with her breasts owes it to herself to consider the procedure.