3 Tips For Being an Effective Christian

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Christian success Tool box Any person who is in business, in order to succeed must have the right tools for their particular occupation.
They must also have the ability and knowledge to know how to use those tools to do the job they have set out to do.
Although a person may know how to do many things, it is best to specialize in one major expertise.
In the beginning, at least To be effectual Christians, there are daily tools we need, to have spiritual victory for ourself and to influence others.
Tip One Study Bible As a christian, it is important to learn how to keep our sword sharp.
Gods Holy Bible is represented as being our weapon to win battles, against the enemy.
Ephesians 6 verse 17 says, And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
It is interesting to note, that in past years, a soldier would name his sword.
If, in prowess, he became a great fighting warrior, his named sword received nearly as much fame as he did.
Likewise, if he was lazy, that would also be accredited to his weapon.
Another fact was that the sword could be used as a backup.
Carried on the back or hip in a sheath.
It could be gotten to quickly, when needed.
Learn scripture, because in order to have over coming victory, 2Timothy 2, verse 15 tells us, study to shew thyself approved unto God.
Sometimes, because we are flesh, we let our human side get in the way.
It is not always easy to carry the physical Bible every where we go.
If, however, we have it hid in our heart, like a backup, we can quickly pull out our sword, the Bible, for strength in time of need.
An effective christian is one that studies the Bible.
Tip Two Pray Prayer, is a tool, that when used correctly, will move mountains.
James tells us in chapter five, verse sixteen, that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man, availeth much.
Back in England, Queen Mary, called bloody Mary, was said to fear the prayers of John Knox, more than all the armies of Europe.
He was a great prayer warrior who could get a prayer through to heaven.
Mary hated him.
The most effective Christians I have ever been around would spend much time crying out to God.
Both for others and also, for themselves, to be better soldiers of Jesus Christ.
Tip Three Let your Light shine Matthew 5, verse 16 says it all.
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Story Two women lived in a certain town.
Both went to the same church.
A epidemic broke out in the section of the neighborhood where mostly poor folks lived.
One lady refused to go help, but the other went, staying day and night, until the danger was over.
Her life was at risk, but she had Godly love for the people, not thinking of her self.
Who, do you think, let their light shine with good works? If you want to be a more effective christian, go and do like wise.
That will please our Lord, and others will see your Christ like spirit.
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