Big Brother Jeopardizes Jersey
I was more than a little dismayed therefore to learn that the beginnings of a full-blown police state will be firmly and legally in place on December 18.
The Public Health Council voted on Monday, December 10, for New Jersey to become the first state in the country to require annual flu shots for children attending preschool or licensed day care.
Three additional vaccines will be required beginning in Sept.
Forced vaccinations? Parental rights violated? Looks like a done deal.
The council approved it, Gov.
Jon S.
Corzine has already approved it, and all that remains is for State Health Commissioner, Dr.
Fred M.
Jacobs to sign off on the mandates by Dec.
18 - which he is expected to do.
The new rules will save lives and prevent disease and suffering, according to Deputy Health Commissioner, Dr.
Eddy Bresnitz.
Sorry, Deputy, but that's the exact opposite of what you can expect.
And sorry, New Jersey, but you are entering a new and untested twilight zone - the results of which you can't begin to imagine.
Ask the terrorized parents of children in Maryland's Prince George County what it's like.
More than a thousand kids were recently herded into a courthouse to be forcibly vaccinated while armed police and attack dogs stood guard.
Parents were threatened with fines and prison sentences if they failed to have their children immunized.
State Attorney General Glenn F.
Ivey admitted that no law mandated shots be given, and claimed that exemption forms were available.
For some strange reason, however, information packsgiven the parents prior to the forced vaccinations failed to include the so-called waiver forms.
Attorney General Ivey said, "We can do this the easy way or the hard way.
" Implying...
what? Tasering of non-complying parents? Maybe a little waterboarding would be in order.
Welcome to the fascist state of Maryland.
where gunpoint medicine is the rule of the day.
An interesting note: General Ivey also admitted that he had chosen NOT to give his own children the vaccines! I wonder why? Perhaps because of their well-documented dangers.
Another interesting note: The school district demanding forced vaccinations is set to lose a considerable amount of state funding if their Draconian orders are not complied with.
Obviously, such non-complying parents are a danger to public health and should be incarcerated until they see the light.
And their children should be medicated - by whatever force is necessary.
Most people - at least, some people - are aware that vaccines contain the toxic mercury preservative Thimerosal, which has been banned for decades in every civilized country in the world concerned with the health and well-being of its citizens.
It is a well-documented fact that Thimerosal is linked to autism and autoimmune diseases.
Some vaccines contain aluminum, linked directly to alzheimers.
Some contain known carcinogenssuch as formaldehyde, anti-freeze and a long list of other poisons linked to glaucoma, migraines, and even AIDS.
Flu shots can increase your risk of developing multiple sclerosis, juvenile diabetes, allergies, colitis, eczema, psoriasis, ADHD, Lupus, Graves disease, Chron's disease, Parkinson's disease, Lou Gherig's disease, seizure disorders - and on and on.
Vaccines contain DNA fragments, harmful chemicals, fetal tissue, pig, sheep and horse blood, rabbit brains, dog kidneys, and potentially deadly bacteria.
Among other things.
Many other things.
Too many to even list.
The current flu shot, of course, is based on last year's flu virus.
Which no longer exists.
It mutates constantly.
Did you know that more than 70% of doctors and nurses in this country refuse to get an annual flu shot? I wonder why...
Since the flu shot weakens your immune system, you are more vulnerable to the illness and more likely to come down with the flu after getting a flu shot.
I know some people who succumb to the scare propaganda and religiously get their flu shots every year.
It apparently never occurs to them that the flu they suffer from immediately thereafter is a direct result of their flu shots.
As to forced vaccinations for your children, try to explain to the armed guards at your "health" clinic - if you're a resident of Maryland or New Jersey - that you are concerned with the health of your children and would rather go to jail to prevent their deliberate poisoning.
Try to explain that vaccines prohibit a child's immune system from adapting and growingstronger and that vaccinations suppress normal immune response.
Leaving your children completely unprotected against future infection.
Such protestations fell on deaf ears in Prince George's County, Maryland, as they will no doubt be equally disregarded in New Jersey.
No word yet as to the penalties for non-compliance in the Garden State.
Cui Bono? Who benefits? Drug companies.
Big Pharma - and the politicians they have paid for.
Vaccinations are based on questionable science.
Doctors dismiss reports of any dangerous side effects - because their Big Pharma masters insist on it.
The real motivation? Money.
The almighty bottom line.
Unbelievable, obscene profits derived by a predatory "health" system that preys on its intimidated victims, coerced by a tyrranical bureaucracy to relinquish yet another freedom.
It's all about money and control.
Maryland enforces mandatory vaccinations as if they were harmless.
They are not.
They are poison.
Unfortunately, New Jersey is about to join the medical police state, with perhaps other misguided states soon to follow.
Concerned parents have the responsibility and the right to reject forced vaccinations.
Threatened with fines and imprisonment, however, the parents in Maryland didn't object.
Their kids were herded in line and forced to take their shots, with no consideration as to any medical history.
Most parents fell into line and followed orders without question.
If the medical Gestapo comes to your town and threatens at gunpoint, with attack dogs ready to strike, to throw you in jail and remove your children for 30 days if you refuse a potentially dangerous vaccination - what will you do? Will you dare to protect your children? Or will you join the ranks of the terrified, intimidated Sheeple most of us have become? When it comes to protecting your children, perhaps the time has come to draw the line.
Accept this fascist infringement on what's left of your rights, and the next step is government enforcement of gunpoint medicine on everyone of every age and state of health.
You will be arrested, drugged and restrained and forcibly medicated against your will for taking safe and effective vitamins instead of deadly high-profit pharmaceutical drugs.
Think it can't happen here? Think again.
Don't give up the right and freedom to choose what medical treatment is best for your children.
Don't accept your government's fear-based lies and attempts to manipulate and control every aspect of your lives.
Don't depend on organizations like the FDA or the American Medical Association to protect your rights.
They work for Big Pharma.
The only rights they are willing to protect are the rights of the pharmaceuticalcompanies that own them.
Given a choice, they would forcibly vaccinate everybody in the country.
Regardless of the consequences to their health.
Remember freedom? It's almost gone.
Either we protect what's left of it, or watch it disappear forever.
In which case we'll deserve whatever we get.
Perhaps the protests and attendant publicity as New Jersey tries to enforce its new dictatorial powers will be enough to provide a wake-up call that something has to be done and done now.
In all probability, however, the controlled, mainstream media will do their usual sterling job of providing minimal coverage - if the story isn't ignored altogether.
It's an almost insurmountable task trying to deliver the real news about almost anything to an indifferent audience, whose interest and concern barely exists.
What we have become and what we've lost in this country is a genuine tragedy.
There's still time to change - but in the grand scheme of things, that time can be measured in seconds.
Just as an aside, you are probably aware that we have the most expensive health care in the world - and far from the best.
You probably didn't know that many Americans are choosing to go abroad for their medical care.
In fact, an estimated half million Americans traveled to foreign countries for medical treatment in 2006.
So-called Medical Tourism is now a booming industry.
Patients report being treated as respected guests, and given as good or better medical treatment - at a far lower cost - than anything offered here in America.
Many of these "medical tourists" have decided not to come back.
Another option, if your choices are jail time in lieu of forced, gunpoint vaccinations.
There are some places - in fact, many places - where freedom still exists.