Why People Will Buy You Before They Buy Your Products: The Importance of Creating Value Online
First, don't try to make money.
You are probably reading this because you want to know how to make money online.
I've got news for you.
If your only goal is to make money online then you probably won't make any.
Is this a controversial statement? I would argue that it is not.
You see people spend money online in exchange for one thing and that is value.
Giving value is the key to making money online and if you don't create it you won't be successful.
Many of the get rich quick schemes out there rely on snaring a few unfortunate souls to earn a quick buck without really providing any real value to the customer.
This may make you a little bit of money in the short term but you run the risk of creating a small army of people who have a bad opinion of you because you didn't deliver the kind of value that you were promising.
Bad reputations have a habit of spreading faster than good reputations so your name could become mud quicker than you realise.
How are you ever going to benefit from the power of viral marketing and social network book marking if your customers are always disappointed with you? Creating value.
If you focus on creating and providing value for your web site visitors and customers you will not have this problem and you will only enhance your reputation along the way.
Your customers will come to see you as their friend as you give them what they are actually looking for in comparison to the many shysters out there.
When you focus on creating and delivering great content it becomes very obvious to other people that you are a genuine person who they can trust and respect.
People are simply more likely to buy a product from, or take a recommendation from, a person that they respect.
Moreover, they are far more likely to come back again and again to see what else you have to offer.
Further, once a customer has bought a product from you once, they are far more likely to buy from you again and again.
What have you got to offer? You might argue "I don't have anything of real value to give people" but I would say you are wrong.
Everyone is an expert in something and almost every web publisher and internet business person can author a piece of writing.
You can author content based on whatever you know best and if you struggle to do it alone you could collaborate with a freelancer to help you to achieve it.
This won't cost too much.
If you are prepared to give to other people, you can be sure that other people will be more likely to give back to you.
So don't be a two-bit con man.
Be upfront and honest and give more than you expect to receive.
Maximise your audience.
When you are creating this great content, consider how you can create more value for more people with less of your time.
Hosting a one-time webinar for your list without a recording is only going to be of use to those who attended the webinar.
However, if you recorded that webinar and put it online then just imagine how many more people could be enjoying your content whilst developing their interest in you and your products! This doesn't just hold true for webinars.
This can be applied to articles, blogs, videos, audios, slide shows, or whatever.
Once created, great content can go on working for you forever.
Genuine people make more money in the long run.
So don't be tempted to model you online business on the scam artists who peddle their magic button solution to internet riches.
Anyone with an ounce of pride can do better than that.
Whilst it may seem to be an easy shortcut way to make a bit of money the very opposite is true.
The pence that you will be making by effectively ripping off people in the short term will be dwarfed by the volume of recurrent sales that you can make to an audience of customers who like, trust and know you.
You have just learned how focusing on creating great content instead of focusing on making money will help you to earn far more money in the future by developing your reputation with your customers first.
You are probably reading this because you want to know how to make money online.
I've got news for you.
If your only goal is to make money online then you probably won't make any.
Is this a controversial statement? I would argue that it is not.
You see people spend money online in exchange for one thing and that is value.
Giving value is the key to making money online and if you don't create it you won't be successful.
Many of the get rich quick schemes out there rely on snaring a few unfortunate souls to earn a quick buck without really providing any real value to the customer.
This may make you a little bit of money in the short term but you run the risk of creating a small army of people who have a bad opinion of you because you didn't deliver the kind of value that you were promising.
Bad reputations have a habit of spreading faster than good reputations so your name could become mud quicker than you realise.
How are you ever going to benefit from the power of viral marketing and social network book marking if your customers are always disappointed with you? Creating value.
If you focus on creating and providing value for your web site visitors and customers you will not have this problem and you will only enhance your reputation along the way.
Your customers will come to see you as their friend as you give them what they are actually looking for in comparison to the many shysters out there.
When you focus on creating and delivering great content it becomes very obvious to other people that you are a genuine person who they can trust and respect.
People are simply more likely to buy a product from, or take a recommendation from, a person that they respect.
Moreover, they are far more likely to come back again and again to see what else you have to offer.
Further, once a customer has bought a product from you once, they are far more likely to buy from you again and again.
What have you got to offer? You might argue "I don't have anything of real value to give people" but I would say you are wrong.
Everyone is an expert in something and almost every web publisher and internet business person can author a piece of writing.
You can author content based on whatever you know best and if you struggle to do it alone you could collaborate with a freelancer to help you to achieve it.
This won't cost too much.
If you are prepared to give to other people, you can be sure that other people will be more likely to give back to you.
So don't be a two-bit con man.
Be upfront and honest and give more than you expect to receive.
Maximise your audience.
When you are creating this great content, consider how you can create more value for more people with less of your time.
Hosting a one-time webinar for your list without a recording is only going to be of use to those who attended the webinar.
However, if you recorded that webinar and put it online then just imagine how many more people could be enjoying your content whilst developing their interest in you and your products! This doesn't just hold true for webinars.
This can be applied to articles, blogs, videos, audios, slide shows, or whatever.
Once created, great content can go on working for you forever.
Genuine people make more money in the long run.
So don't be tempted to model you online business on the scam artists who peddle their magic button solution to internet riches.
Anyone with an ounce of pride can do better than that.
Whilst it may seem to be an easy shortcut way to make a bit of money the very opposite is true.
The pence that you will be making by effectively ripping off people in the short term will be dwarfed by the volume of recurrent sales that you can make to an audience of customers who like, trust and know you.
You have just learned how focusing on creating great content instead of focusing on making money will help you to earn far more money in the future by developing your reputation with your customers first.